I know you’ve heard of genetics, but have you heard of epigenetics? They’re related, but they’re not the same thing. Genetics, to put it simply, are in your DNA and they’re hereditary. Epigenetics, though, can affect your gene expression. We have much more control over our epigenetics than we do our genetics. Surprised? Most people are! In this episode, we talk about the difference between genetics and epigenetics, the factors that affect genetic expression, and how to “turn off” genetic...
Published 10/18/23
As we get older, we often hear more about varicose veins, especially in women (though men get them, too!). But what we don’t often hear about is what causes them and how we can try to prevent them. You might be surprised to learn that nutrition plays a big role in varicose veins, but it’s true. So many of our ailments can be attributed, at least in part, to poor nutrition and lifestyle choices. In this episode, we talk about what varicose veins are, what causes them, how we can try to prevent...
Published 10/11/23
Eating on the run is something we all do. With our busy lifestyles, it can be really hard to avoid it. Eating on the run can impact your body and mind negatively and is not encouraged. But there are ways to eat healthier while you’re on the go in order to mitigate those stressors. In this episode, we talk about why eating on the run isn’t healthy for you, the negative impacts to your body from eating fast, and some snack and meal prep ideas to help you eat as healthy as you can when you’re...
Published 10/04/23
We’ve heard so often in the past that bacon is bad for us and we should avoid eating it. Well, here’s permission if you need it: bacon is healthy for you! It’s sad that there’s been so many misconceptions and so much bad advice about bacon, but there are lots of benefits to eating it. In this episode, we talk about the health benefits of bacon, why lard really is good for you, and why saturated fats and cholesterol are needed in our diets. We’ve been thinking about bacon all wrong in our...
Published 09/27/23
In the medical community, it’s common for practitioners to only treat symptoms. But what really needs to happen is treating the patient as a whole and addressing root causes of medical concerns. Enter functional medicine. In this episode, we dive into what functional medicine is, why only treating symptoms isn’t enough, and why the patient/practitioner relationship is so vital for overall health. In functional medicine, If you have a headache, for example, you can treat it with aspirin to...
Published 09/20/23
Intermittent fasting has been really popular in recent years. But what exactly is it? And why do people do it? In this episode, we’re sharing all the details you need to know about intermittent fasting and what to do if you decide to follow this dietary approach. Intermittent fasting can improve your health in terms of reducing inflammation, improving sleep and energy levels,  healing your gut, and more. It’s no surprise that many people are now turning to this style of eating. There are...
Published 09/13/23
What is it that makes fermented food so good for your body? Fermented foods have been around for thousands of years, and they are all the rage right now. In this episode, we are going to be sharing everything you need to know about the benefits of adding fermented foods into your diet.  Fermented foods really are wonderful for you. Their resurgence in popularity today is a testament to both their rich history and their numerous health benefits. If you are interested in learning how you can...
Published 09/06/23
Brain injuries are serious, without a doubt, but recovery from them is possible. Treatment rarely results in overnight improvement, but with patience and consistency, patients’ quality of life will improve. It’s also very important to seek medical help as soon as possible when a brain injury is suspected.  Dr. Carling specialized in treating brain injuries in a previous practice and still treats brain injuries today in her current practice. In this episode, she shares a few stories of...
Published 08/30/23
Integrative medicine, also known as holistic medicine, is a healing approach that combines conventional Western medicine with complementary or alternative therapies to provide a more comprehensive approach to your health care. The goal is to address physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual aspects of the person's well-being. It’s more patient-centered than other approaches tend to be.   Traditional medicine is one of the more natural forms of medicine because it’s been around for...
Published 08/23/23
Have you ever had a trip that you were so excited for only to get sick while you’re there? We’ve all been there! So in this episode, we are sharing how you can keep your immune system strong while you’re traveling so that you can actually enjoy your trips without worrying about an illness ruining your fun.  Dr. Carling is sharing her top homeopathic remedies that can help you overcome illnesses like gastrointestinal flu, food poisoning, sinus infections, and more.  It really, really is...
Published 08/16/23
It’s our 100th episode! We’re so grateful to all of you who have listened to our show and provided such valuable feedback to us. To celebrate this milestone, we’ve decided to do a State of Healthcare address and touch on the issues happening in our medical system these days. While there are a lot of problems with our current system, it’s not all bad news.  Remember that the body you have today is the only one you’re going to get. It’s important to treat it well and be as informed as you can...
Published 08/09/23
Whether it’s from your parents or your doctors or the beauty magazines you’ve read, you’ve likely heard that using sunscreen is absolutely necessary before going outside and spending any time in the sun. What you might not know is that sunscreen isn’t necessarily good for you because of the chemicals it contains. Those toxins can wreak havoc on your overall health.  Your skin is an organ that absorbs pretty much anything you put on it, so it’s important to be mindful of what’s applied on...
Published 08/02/23
You’ve probably heard of collagen, but you might not be aware of exactly what it is and how beneficial it is to your body. These days, most people associate collagen with skin health, but you’d be surprised at all the other systems in your body that collagen can help. Collagen is so important to your overall health and it’s so easy to integrate into your life with supplements, broths, and/or meats. Choose whatever form works for you but just make sure that you’re getting enough collagen in...
Published 07/26/23
If you’re dedicated to a healthy diet, it can be easier to stick to it when you’re at home. But what happens if you aren’t at home? Maybe you’re on a road trip, or on vacation, or attending a special event with a set menu and you’re having trouble staying on track with your eating. It might seem inevitable that you’ll eat unhealthy foods, but it doesn’t have to be.  There are many ways to eat healthy (or healthier) when you’re traveling as long as you are prepared. Restaurants will often...
Published 07/19/23
Have you heard anyone say that you shouldn’t use microwaves? You may be wondering what the big deal is and in this episode, we are going to be talking about microwaves and everything that you need to know before you reach for one to warm up your food.  Microwaves are everywhere these days, but it’s important to be informed when using them because using them too much can have serious consequences. When it comes to microwaves, you have to think about the electromagnetic waves and ionizing...
Published 07/12/23
We don’t know about you, but we like our showers hot. However, there are actually many benefits to doing what’s called cold water immersion, or ice baths! This practice goes back hundreds, if not thousands, of years and there are entire philosophies built around cold water therapies.  In this episode, we are diving into what ice baths can be used for. We will share the many health benefits of plunging yourself into ice cold water as well as some drawbacks and things you need to watch for...
Published 07/05/23
Saunas are wonderful for so many different reasons. They're great for relaxation and stress relief. They're used a lot for improving your blood circulation and relieving pain like muscle tension and arthritis. They're also great for improving circulation for different skin issues like psoriasis. It can even be used for detoxification!  Needless to say, there are a lot of wonderful things that saunas can do for your life when used correctly. In this episode, we are diving into what saunas are...
Published 06/28/23
It’s so important for people to have power when it comes to their own health. When you garden, it benefits your health mentally, emotionally, and physically. Generating some of your own remedies in your garden can be so helpful, especially in times like we have had recently during the pandemic with medicine shortages.  In this episode, we are sharing some medicinal herbs you can grow in your garden as well as how they can be used for a natural approach to medicine. Even with just the...
Published 06/21/23
Growing your own garden has a lot of mental and physical benefits for your overall health. In this episode, we’re talking about how garden fresh produce costs less, has more nutrients your body needs, and just tastes better all around. Plus, we share tips on how to get started with your own garden, even if you have seasonal allergies that keep you from going outside.  Dr. Carling loves to garden and makes it a priority in her life, even though those close to her would say she’s the busiest...
Published 06/14/23
Ever woken up on the wrong side of the bed? Most of us have experienced the emotional effects of improper sleep, but a lack of deep rest can take a major toll on your physical health as well. In this episode, we’re discussing the in’s and out’s of sleep–why it’s important, how it helps your body, and why some of us struggle with it. Dr. Carling is explaining what exactly happens within your body when you’re sleep-deprived, and she’s sharing some easy lifestyle tips you can try to improve the...
Published 06/07/23
Whether to eat meat or not is a highly debated topic and there seem to be people who feel strongly about it on both sides. In this episode, we are diving into these diets and the impact not eating meat or animal products can have on your overall health and wellness.  This topic is near and dear to Dr. Carling because she was a vegetarian for many years and has seen firsthand how her health was impacted. There are a lot of misconceptions around eating meat and vegetarianism, and in this...
Published 05/31/23
Do you truly understand the effects that prescription drugs have on your body? So frequently, when someone agrees to take a new drug, they give little to no thought to the way that the drug could deplete their body and negatively impact their health.  When it comes to medical doctors, they are trained to prescribe drugs, not use vitamins, herbs, or diet to improve a health condition. So, in this episode, we are sharing what really happens to your body when you take these prescription drugs...
Published 05/24/23
What exactly is a traditional diet? Our diets have changed a lot over the years. While we have a lot more variety, we don’t have as much nutrient dense food, and that is reflected in our overall health. In fact, we may have a bit too much variety these days.  In today’s episode, we’re taking a deep dive into what a traditional diet actually consists of and how we can get the nutrients we need in the foods we have available to us now. We’ll explore the foods that we commonly eat now and how...
Published 05/17/23
If you are struggling with mental health disorders, it's worth considering how your diet might be affecting you. Many people don’t realize that what you put in your mouth can have a major impact on your mental well-being and behavior.  In today’s episode, we’re diving into the impact of your nutrition on your mental health. We’ll cover the vitamins, minerals, and fats your body needs to function optimally as well as what foods you can eat to get those vitamins, minerals, and fats back into...
Published 05/10/23
We all know that water is vital to your health, but not many people actually know why. Having the proper hydration is a daily essential. You can make a profound difference in the health of your body just by drinking enough water. In today’s episode, we’re discussing why water is so important for the day-to-day functions in your body and what happens when you drink too much or too little. We’ll share how water nourishes your body, when to drink water, the best way to consume it, and how much...
Published 05/03/23