To get money, you need to learn sales, and to make sales you need to have several qualities that all build trust: 1. Speed—reducing the time of a deal builds your client’s confidence. Speed gives clients trust. 2. Knowledge—you have to know what you’re talking about to build authority. Knowledge gives clients trust. 3. Transparency—clients love honesty, and can usually tell when you aren’t transparent. Transparency gives clients trust. Move with speed for your client, give knowledge the...
Published 07/20/17
Once you’re in your sales presentation, how can you be more effective? Here are 3 quick tips to follow as you build out your pitch: The Why—this will involve your story. It sets up how and why you’re different. Here is where you give background. You want to focus on why your product is different. This is important in hooking your customer. You must differentiate here. The How—this is where you transition to the features and how it benefits the customer. You must tailor this to the customer...
Published 07/13/17
The business cycle is where you market, you drive them into a sales cycle, and repeat. A sales cycle is when a customer shows interest, you qualify, select a product, and close. Most people don’t have money when they start a business so it’s difficult for them to do a business cycle. This is why the solopreneur will never work, because they are stuck in the sales cycle over and over again. The internet has allowed many people now to get into a business cycle but even then, the solopreneur...
Published 07/06/17
Questions are the key to every deal in your life. Questions reveal problems, and people buy to solve problems. Your job in sales is to figure out what those problems are. You don’t want the customer feel like they are being interrogated, but you need to be a detective so that you can put together pieces of information. Questions give you the ammunition you need to actually get a deal done. 1. Always focus on previous purchases/experiences 2. Questions should never be irrelevant 3. Always...
Published 06/29/17
Most people skip over the basics of sales. You have to develop or you will be stacking skills upon a weak foundation. You want to understand, not just duplicate. If you don’t know why you’ll never know how. Here are 3 ingredients to sales success that you need to get right from the very beginning as a foundation to have sustained, future success: 1. Commitment—this is something people always pass up. Are you committed to your craft and your company? 2. Conviction—do you have the ability to...
Published 06/22/17
What does your pipeline represent to you? Income. An abundant pipeline will give you more security, more confidence, and more choices. Sales Pipeline needs two things. 1. Quantity 2. Quality Most people have this flipped and go for quality first. This is wrong. You can’t be narrow; you need to throw a big net out. Don’t get focused on the perfect customer. If your pipeline is broken, you probably feel rejection. Your pipeline should be so full that losing a customer feels like a...
Published 06/15/17
If you make $150,000 or less, you really need to focus on your money. If you don’t have a money mindset, you will start thinking you’ve made it when you start making just a little bit of money. That is grossly underestimating how expensive life is because when you start doing the math, even a salary of $150,000 goes quick. It’s expensive to live and you need to focus on your money. If you’re not motivated by money, you need to be. It’s not about popping bottles at the club, it’s about...
Published 06/01/17
Remember it takes pressure to create anything valuable. Learn to apply some pressure because you’re the best person to do business with and have the best product in the marketplace. Don’t let stalls end the pitch. Come up with responses to the phrases you hear so you can push past the objections and get sales. The first thing you do when you hear an objection, treat it as a complaint. “I’m with you.” Set the price up front. This way the client can start thinking about the deal with value in...
Published 05/25/17
Jarrod Glandt and Grant Cardone on Young Hustlers: Can you make a call that gets people to take interest in you? Are you not ready to get on the phone, do you avoid it like the plague? Here are 4 things every salesperson needs: 1. Confront the beast— If you are afraid of calling people, you’ll never get over it until you actually start calling people. Ignoring it will never make it go away, you must confront your fear. 2. Set the intention— Make sure to set your intention right at the...
Published 05/18/17
You don’t discount price to close a deal, but that doesn’t mean you don’t use price to negotiate. There is a time and a place for everything, so there is a time to discount. The best way to handle price is inventory. To build value you have to have a lot of choices. Use price to stir up the market and to stir up traffic. Discounting without inventory choices won’t work, and price doesn’t matter if you don’t have volume with it. Build so much value that you don’t need to discount. Increasing...
Published 05/11/17
The hustle and the grind is not about the push and shove, it’s to make your life easier. You push a car through the mud not because you like the pushing but because you want the car in a different place. If you don’t want to learn sales, you are selfish. People that are satisfied are selfish. So many people need help out there, and if you are satisfied then you are only concerned about yourself. Get rich to help others…it’s not just a money game, it’s a freedom game. That’s power. It’s the...
Published 05/04/17
Young Hustlers: The Secrets of Finding Out Why People Buy—Do you know why people buy? If you ask bad questions, you will get bad answers. What is the one thing that makes a person want to buy? You will not transact with anyone if you don’t find the ONE reason someone wants to buy. There’s not 2, ,3, 4, 8 reasons why someone buys. It’s one thing. 1. Ask Hard Questions. 2. Get the Answers. Some people will answer “it depends”. You need to ask more questions. The nurse doesn’t jab around, she...
Published 04/20/17
What is the #1 reason you aren’t closing your customers? You don’t close deals because you don’t ask. You don’t set it up and you don’t ask. #1. Tell them your intention. Your intention is to close, so let them know it! This is about setting the mood. #2. Tell them there are only 2 reasons you won’t do this. You want to tell them their objections before they even say them. #1 you don’t think it will work, or #2 you aren’t the decision maker. People who don’t have the money aren’t the...
Published 04/13/17
Grant Cardone and Jarrod Glandt bring you the tools you need to succeed in the 21st Century. Plenty of you want true freedom, prefer entrepreneurship to 9-to-5 and are hungry for a mentor who gives you the raw and real deal. Grant doesn’t care what your age is, he knows you’re a Young Hustler.
Published 03/30/17
The 10X Growth Conference was Grant Cardone's first event and thousands of people showed up for it and stayed for three days. Shark Tank's Daymond John was impressed with the conference—he came to inspire others, which he did, but he left inspired by others. There were 24 world class speakers and you can still get the complete recording of the entire event today. While they enjoyed it all, a few of Grant and Jarrod's favorites that really stood out were Tim Grover's presentation on being...
Published 03/23/17
You need to get into a stream. If you get in someone’s car, you need to know there is enough room, enough gas, and that the guy can drive. Who’s got fuel in the tank? Where are they going? How fast can we go there? You need to get with someone willing to drive fast. That’s how you choose who to work for. • What’s your stream? • Who’s got your opportunities? • Are you looking for streams? • Where’s your flows? • Do you understand the value of a stream and can you identify what stream you...
Published 03/09/17
What are your problems? Problems are money. Every problem ever solved on this planet is an opportunity. The bigger the problem solved, the richer you become. You need to pick your problems rather than get stuck with them. Be the creator of your problems, not the receiver. I always tell people to look at their problems as opportunities because one of the most basic truths in life is that problem-solving is success. If I have problem customers (people who give me a hard time during the buying...
Published 03/03/17
The Best Advice I Ever Got – Young Hustlers: What is the best advice you’ve ever received? You get a lot of advice from others going through life—much of it bad. Every now and then you get a great piece of advice that can change your life. Here are some of the best pieces of advice Grant has received: You need to think bigger—Don’t listen to people who say bigger is not always better. Tell that to Google or Facebook. Best investment you make is in yourself—Nobody does wrong when they spend...
Published 02/23/17
How much confidence have you got? Confidence is complete, full trust. No one thing can blow a deal. You need to have complete trust in that. It’s a series of things that happen if you blow a deal. If you want confidence in life, get confidence in yourself. Most of the bags you pick up in life are losses, not victories. Full trust in self is more valuable than any amount of money. You need to invest in things that increase your confidence. Why is it so important to have confidence? Here is...
Published 02/16/17
Do you have the right problem? Too many people have the wrong problem because of how they think. If you want to go big, if you want to get big, if you want to play big, you’ve got to quit all the small talk. Quit demeaning yourself when it comes to the price of something. Quit giving yourself reasons you can’t do something. Your think determines what happens in your world, where you live, the view you have, the job you get, the money you make, and the happiness you experience. Your problem...
Published 02/09/17
Millennials make a lot of mistakes—every generation does. This is because people are ignorized by the media. Planet earth manufactures so much ignorance it’s incredible. Today I wanted to highlight the 5 largest blunders that millennials must fix if they want to get their money right. Make this the year you get your financial house in order! 1) Not making enough money—The holy grail of money that almost no one talks about is to make money. You can get rich or solve money problems without...
Published 02/02/17
What do you do when you're not feeling it? You have no energy, you're flat...everyone has those kind of days. How can you break through this? First, be aware of which areas this happens in. For example, is it in the gym, at work, with a relationship? You can be obsessed in one thing and flat in another area all in the same day. First identify the areas where you aren't feeling it. Decide to move to success and not average, you have to take action. 1) Make goals in that area 2) Exercise 3)...
Published 01/19/17
The 10X Rule has been a best seller for over 5 years now because it’s changed lives. Today Jarrod Glandt reveals the top 5 principles from the 10X Rule you need to apply to your life. The 10X Rule is a movement, are you ready to become a part of it? 1.No Shortage of Success—There is so much money on this planet it’s crazy. The stock market could lose a trillion dollars and there would still be an abundance of wealth on this planet. 2.Assume Responsibility for all Results—Taking...
Published 01/13/17
Young Hustlers How to Find a Coach: The Karate Kid was waxing on and off, but he didn’t know why Mr. Miyagi was having him do it. He didn’t understand what his coach knew. When you find a coach, you have to listen to them even if it’s not clear why you are doing what you’re doing. Here are 5 steps to finding your coach: 1. Find an expert in the area you’re looking to improve 2. Validate their track record. How long have they been in business? What is behind the curtain? 3. Be sure they are a...
Published 01/05/17
2017 is coming, do you have your goals in order? With any target you make, you must have the right why. Reverse engineer the goal. If you want to be financially free at 50, you need to start doing the math and figuring out what you need and how you can get there. Get rooted and connected to your goals. Get real clear on the purpose of your goals and don’t have someone else’s goals. Lay out your goals and make them a part of the way you live. Commitments take money and time, and sooner or...
Published 12/29/16