Sleep is essential to our happiness, but all too often – it can be elusive. Instead of tossing and turning tonight, I invite you to try something new. This unique sleep meditation will guide you into a restful, peaceful sleep, so you can fall asleep and stay asleep, all night long.   Hey there, Thanks for tuning in! In this episode, I’m doing something a little different. I’ve created a special meditation to help you settle into a deep sleep. Sleep is so essential to our happiness! Don’t...
Published 02/07/18
Get out of your own way by transforming your “have to’s” into “get to’s” and start looking forward to what’s next for you.    Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes!    THE BIGGEST TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: Why feeling deprived is blocking your ability to manifest. How to shift from feeling deprived to being happy with your choices. The mindset which will help raise your emotion state. How making judgments will derail you.   Hey there! Today’s episode goes into a mindset that...
Published 02/07/18
* Manifesting * is simply the name we give to purposefully working with our subconscious mind to create the experiences we want to have in our conscious lives.   Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes!    THE BIGGEST TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: What manifesting is and how you can use it. How to bring more of what you want into your life. The importance of alignment in creating genuine emotions. The counter-intuitive trick to manifesting.   Hey there, Thanks for tuning in!  Today...
Published 02/07/18
Your energetic vibration and emotions are intricately connected – and they determine how you experience the world. You can choose higher vibrational energy to have better experiences!   Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes!    THE BIGGEST TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: What energetic vibration is and how it affects us. How our emotional state is inextricably linked to our energetic vibration. How to use your emotional frequency to your advantage every day. Why you should reach for a...
Published 02/07/18
How to intentionally develop self-worth and teach others to treat you well with how you treat yourself. The importance of understanding that no one is going to value you more than you value yourself.   Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes!   THE BIGGEST TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: Self-worth is key to teaching others how to treat us. Why no one is going to value you more than you value yourself. How knowing your self-worth helps you and everyone else around you. How I learned the...
Published 02/07/18
The power to say what you want to say, when you want to say it – these three simple phrases can help make your whole life more the way you want it to be! Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes!  The biggest takeaways from this episode: How simple phrases can set limits politely and firmly. The words to ask for what you want, without being demanding. How to offer help without being controlling. How preparing yourself with the right words is empowering.   Hey there – I’m so glad you...
Published 02/07/18
  All the choices you make either bring you closer to your ideal life or keep you from it. You may have to go through difficult things to get there, endure setbacks, and you may even have to face dragons.   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: How the “whispers” can help you dream up your ideal life. Why letting yourself dream feels risky even though not dreaming is riskier. The difference between whispers and dragons (hint: one doesn’t help you). How to stop feeling deprived....
Published 11/20/17
  Trying to appear “perfect” might feel safer, but being vulnerable and showing your whole self - and not caring what other people think - will actually draw other people closer to you. It’s true!   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: The role of a little bit of “ugly” (i.e. being vulnerable) in genuine attractiveness. (Hint: one doesn’t exist without the other.) The power of vulnerability in establishing connections. How we sometimes confuse authenticity with “ugly” (hey,...
Published 11/20/17
  Your personal style is reflected in all the ways you present yourself - including your interactions with others. You can choose how you want to be known and the legacy you create - by first deciding how you want to feel inside.   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: Why intentionally creating positive interactions isn’t only nice for the people around you. (Hint: there are major perks for you too.) How to intentionally choose what you put out into the world. How not making a...
Published 11/20/17
  Whatever makes you feel good is what you should reach for, when it comes to your personal style choices. Even a difficult time can be made better if you find a way to raise your emotional state with your style choices.   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: The power you have over your experiences and emotions when you decide how you want to feel about the changes in your life. The importance of truly getting to know your own preferences (i.e. what makes you happy or puts you...
Published 11/20/17
  We all seem to complain about not getting good sleep. By the end of the day, we’re tired, achy, worn out and just need to rest - but we can't sleep. Here are some ideas to help! Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: Why sleep is EXTREMELY important to your happiness What happens if you don't get the sleep your body desperately needs The most important questions to ask yourself if you want a good night of sleep. My personal tips to help you find more restful nights (Spoiler...
Published 11/20/17
  There have been the obvious benefits of adding bookend routines to my days - I'm actually doing what I want to do for myself! But, in addition to these things, I've experienced three specific benefits that have been a really pleasant surprise!   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: How bookend routines can help you get done the things that matter to you! 3 specific benefits from bookend routines that I didn't expect. How feeling out of alignment is maybe a message you need to...
Published 11/20/17
  Knowing your personal style and dressing how you want to feel is crucial to your happiness and it’s as easy as listening to your brain’s quiet messages about what will make you happy!   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: The importance of knowing how you want to feel & how you can use that to define your personal style. Why it’s so important to use the changes in your life to make a choice intentionally. How I use my personal style as an exercise of living with...
Published 11/20/17
  Your environment has a huge impact on your emotions - and you can use it to feel happier. We can aggressively use style and design to maintain an elevated feeling state and get back to feeling happier more quickly when we're not feeling so great.   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: The relationship between our environments and how we feel can feel happier (this is about so much more than making spaces “look good”). A totally new way to think about design (hint: you...
Published 11/20/17
  It can be super hard to settle down enough to hear what your deepest knowing has to say - but the info is there in the form of whispers from your heart -  you already have everything you need to choose what will make you happy!   Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: We go a bit deeper into what the heck “whispers” are (hint: solid gold info). You’ll learn how your whispers are telling you what will make you happy—so listen up! You’ll learn how to tune-in and tease out the...
Published 11/20/17
  Style With Intention is all about using the small, ordinary choices in your life to bring you more happy experiences - and giving yourself permission to be happy. This is the most important thing you can do every day - and is actually a service to others!   The biggest takeaways from this episode: Why being happy is the most important job you have in life. How the experiences you have are inextricably linked to how you feel. How you can choose the happy feeling you want to have and then...
Published 11/20/17