In this episode I explore the concept of self-gaslighting. I found this to be a very interesting concept and wanted to do a show specifically about it. One reason I did this show was that I feel we all can relate in someway to having done this to ourselves. In the episode I break down 5 ways we may be self gaslighting. I also help identify people who may struggle more with the specific types. In addition to what self gaslighting can look like, I also provide things we can do to prevent it....
Published 10/21/22
In this episode I tackle the topic of comfort zones. Much of the episode is based on the book by Jordan Tarver, You Deserve This Shit. Our comfort zone can be both safe and toxic at the same time. Our evaluation of where we sit in that is needed constantly. Complacency is the obvious way we get stuck in our comfort zone, but even complacency has numerous forms we need to be aware of. Breaking free involves building trust in ourselves, giving ourselves permission to be a beginner, and changing...
Published 10/04/22
In this episode my guest Anita Monodu shares with us her 5 step process for helping clients live a shame free life! Those steps include sharing your story, manifesting who you want to be in life without shame and embodying and living a shameless life. A key component to letting go of shame through sharing our story first and foremost with ourselves. Many people stay in denial of their story because they fear the shame that comes with that. Anita also share her “Be, Do, Have” model which a...
Published 09/17/22
In this episode I welcome Tony Overbay to the show. Tony is a fellow therapist and podcaster, he host the Virtual Couch and Waking up to Narcissism podcasts. In addition he offers his Magnetic Marriage course to couples. We discuss pitfalls couples fall into and Tony talks about his 4 pillars of communication. While discussing his pillars we also break down how self protection and a lack of vulnerability get in the way of our utilization of these pillars. At times we follow the “script” and...
Published 08/11/22
This episode is taken from a presentation I gave to a group of couples at church. I was invited to speak on strengthening our marriages/relationships. I talk about 5 things we can do to improve our relationships. Topics include: Intimacy, Goals, Caring, Expressing Love, and Expectations. I hope you enjoy! Follow me on Instagram @thevegastherapist or www.ryanwynder.com
Published 06/30/22
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. In this episode I will discuss 5 things we can do to improve or maintain our mental health. Treat yourself with kindness, surround yourself with good people, learn how to deal with stress, set realistic goals, and get help when you need it. These will all be discussed, including the need to embrace our humanness with grace and kindness. Follow me on Instagram @thevegastherapist or my website www.ryanwynder.com
Published 05/26/22
This is a tutorial video to help youth develop a more positive mindset in connection with sport performance. Things like dealing with failure and disappointment, positive mindset tools, understanding expectations and identity, and the development of your why will all be discussed. The principals and ideas shared can be utilized in a number of different ways. Sports, school, and life all require a positive mindset as well our ability to work through failure. If you or your teen is struggling...
Published 05/11/22
In this episode I discuss what trauma responses can look like, some of which may surprise you! In an article written by Dr. Melissa DeBose Hankins she talks about the correlation between Will Smiths reactive response at the Academy Awards and his personal trauma, making the connection that what we saw ultimately was a trauma response. She makes a compelling argument in sharing some of Will’s childhood trauma and how it was connected to what happened that night. In addition I discuss trauma...
Published 04/16/22
In this episode I look at the benefits of seeing our survivor/story. There is a story in all of us and we need to honor that. Each of us had to overcome obstacles in our life, those challenges have given us strength and skill. Maintaining a victim mindset with our story keeps us stuck in our problems. Positive change is more likely to occur when we are able to do 3 things I discuss in the episode. Not allowing negative occurrences in our life to define us is key to our writing our hero story....
Published 04/07/22
In this episode I “geek out” a bit over the topic of shame! Shame is a battle for each of us in some way! We all have our triggers for it and it tends to come from old core negative beliefs we have about ourselves. My hope for this episode is that we can all be better at managing our shame, rather than it control us. I discuss what our shame leveraging us looks like and 5 downsides to shame being in charge! I also share how we can improve our shame awareness and resilience as Brene Brown...
Published 03/25/22
In this episode I share with you my presentation I gave at the Hope and Healing Workshop. The workshop was dedicated to mental health and addiction recovery. It was a great event with many wonderful presenters. The first part of the presentation contains some overlap from the last episode, the difference being I share more case examples. Then I talk about how Radical Honesty helps to break down shame! That part of the presentation is all new and very powerful. This was an amazing event!...
Published 03/14/22
In this episode I tackle the topic of Radical Honesty. It is the practice of telling the truth about things both large and small, especially when doing so exposes our flaws and entails consequences. The first part of the episode is spent discussing the consequences of lying and what it does to our psyche and self esteem. Then I talk about the 3 Benefits of Radical Honesty. 1. Promotes Awareness of our Actions 2. Fosters intimate connections 3.Leads to a truthful autobiography. The episode...
Published 03/03/22
In this episode I share an interview I did for another podcast called Nunn Talks. There was so many great things we talked about I wanted makes sure as many people as possible heard the content. Topics include how anxiety can create apathy, and why apathy can be a dangerous state for teens. We also talk about building resilience and personal competence. What parents can do to help their kids in these areas. Finally we discuss working through self doubt, and I provide 4 things teens can do to...
Published 02/02/22
In this episode I discuss a topic that is applicable to us all! Life Transitions, some are natural and some are thrust upon us. Either way we have to deal with them as they come. I personally have had several transitions this year: Moving, loss of a parent, 2 kids left home, and work transition. I discuss several ways we can improve our ability to have Life Transitions be a positive thing for us. Enjoy! Follow me on Instagram @thevegastherapist or my website www.thevegastherapist.com.
Published 01/25/22
In this episode I pay tribute to one of my favorite shows, Ted Lasso. I do so by breaking down a important episode on mental health. Season 2 focuses a great deal on mental health and the idea we all have stuff and the importance of working through our pain so that it does not control us! I focus on three things from the episode; Our stuff and the importance of working through it, Secrets, in particular secrets that carry toxic shame, and choices. All of these things play a vital role in our...
Published 11/03/21
In this episode I sit down with Mequell Buck, she is an author, speaker, suicide survivor, and hosts a Podcast with her husband Adam. The podcast is called Thriving with Mental Illness. Mequell shares her story of dealing her mental illness (bipolar II diagnosis). We talk about the process for her to get healthy, what was helpful and not helpful for her. She opens up about her suicide attempt and what that meant to her. Mequell shares how her life is better because of this (mental illness)...
Published 09/27/21
In this episode I tackle the topic of gaslighting. This tactic is something we have most likely all experienced whether we have recognized it as that or not. Gaslighting can occur in all types of relationships (parent/child, Boss/employee, and romantic). I discuss the signs to look for as well as the stages of Gaslighting in a relationship. The GasLight Tango, why people go along with the gaslighter and the power of fantasy will all be discussed. Finally, I will talk about turning off the gas...
Published 09/03/21
In this episode I welcome back Theo Fleury. Theo is perhaps best known for his time on the ice. But off the rink, his life once carried the markings of a troubled childhood, abuse and coping with emotional pain through addictive and self-destructive behaviours. Today, Theo defines himself as a victor over trauma and addiction, and a facilitator to those still trying to find their way. His best-selling books, Playing with Fire and Conversations with a Rattlesnake, encourage open sharing and...
Published 08/19/21
In this episode I talk about Loss. I recently lost my mom, who battled cancer for 2.5 years. I just wanted to share my experiences I have had over the last few weeks about grief and loss. I know I am only in the early stages of grief but there are some important things that I learned that I think will benefit anyone else going through this. As a bonus track I also include the talk I gave at my mom’s funeral. Follow me at www.thevegastherapist.com or on Instagram @thevegastherapist
Published 08/12/21
In this episode I tackle the topic of self doubt! This is something we all can relate to and have had to deal with at some level in our lives. Self doubt is the mental habit of questioning your own judgement and worth. There are different types of self doubt, including indecisiveness and the Imposter Syndrome that will be discussed. Self Doubt impacts our mental health and can keep us from living our full potential. In the episode I provide 4 tools for helping you break the chains of self...
Published 07/16/21
In this episode I welcome my guest Rachel Wherley to the show. She is better known and famous on Instagram as @thatlittlemom Rachel has mission to promote inclusion in her social media platform. She had to work towards inclusion most of her life and wants others to know not only her story, but how we can be more open as a society and help others feel more included. She attributes her sense of worth and her courage to a great family who never made her feel different or excluded. That gave her...
Published 07/02/21
In this episode I discuss of the question of Am I good Enough (especially in the eyes of others) can consume our entire way of living. This question is unmatched in its capacity to both motivate and shame the human spirit. The source of the good enough dilemma is scarcity. Scarcity as Brene Brown describes is the never enough problem. Scarcity thrives in a culture where everyone is hyper aware of “lack.” Scarcity has 3 components: Shame, Comparison, and Disengagement. I also discuss our way...
Published 06/23/21
In today’s episode I welcome in Heather Quisel to the show to talk about her life. Heather has been in the mindset and personal development space coaching business owners and entrepreneurs how to maximize their talents and increase profits through belief, focus, and disciplined actions. In one unexpected turn of events, her whole life changed...and so did her focus. The sudden loss of her husband, Larry, in 2018 left Heather to write a new About Me page: one she never wanted to write. But...
Published 05/02/21
In this episode I sit down with entrepreneur and business owner Jared Fisher (Las Vegas Cyclery & Escape Adventures). He is an avid cyclist himself and recently finished biking coast to coast, San Diego to Saint Augustine Florida. Jared shares his adventure for life and desire to live in the moment. He takes us through his 5 reasons for going on these adventures. From accomplishing goals to facing your demons, Jared shares a number of great life lessons that we all can learn from. He...
Published 04/06/21
In this episode I sit down with the owner of Friendly Giant Films and Co Author of Million Dollar Story Nic Fitzgerald. Nic is an entrepreneur who has a business that helps other entrepreneurs tell their story to help sell their products and business. He is a master at bringing out the power of our story. Nic shares his own powerful story of following what your passion is despite the challenges that can come with that. In some of his scariest moments, he has to face his fear and bet on...
Published 03/30/21