Do you find it hard keeping to your weight loss goals? Did I hear a resounding “yes”, then this episode is for you. I am joined by our resident fitness expert, Angela Mills, for an insightful discussion about the pitfalls of setting weight loss goals. Picking a number on the scales might even be harmful: - Weight doesn’t equal health. - How do you know what your weight should be? Weight for height tables and BMI are only a guide. - Aiming for a weight often means you don’t set up...
Published 03/31/24
What is natural healthy body weight? Well it isn’t just a number on the scales, and it might not even give you the perfect body mass index (BMI). BMI and healthy weight charts are just a guide—they are not the absolute correct targets for all of us. Your natural healthy body weight is the weight you are at when you are eating nourishing food, and mostly eating when you are hungry and stopping before you are full. Our weight is dependent upon our genetics and other lifestyle choices too,...
Published 03/17/24
Do you feel comfortable in your own body, and confident making health decisions? In this special episode for International Women’s Day, I am promoting inclusive wellbeing for women without the scales! The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is Inspire Inclusion, so in this episode I share ways to appreciate your body for its unique shape and size. I also share the top questions that I encourage you to ask your healthcare practitioners. To make the best decisions for your health and...
Published 03/07/24
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by your own thoughts and feelings? And would you like to be rid of this stress? Then this episode will be of interest to you. Warning! Don’t listen to it while you are driving, walking, or moving! This episode requires you to sit as I share a simple and beautiful meditation technique that the late Thich Nhat Hanh promoted. “Thich Nhat Hanh was a global spiritual leader, poet, and peace activist, revered throughout the world for his powerful teachings and...
Published 03/03/24
Would you like more space in your day? Maybe you would like to feel more calm or grounded. In this episode, we are revisiting mindfulness and the benefits of daily practice. I also share my three “anywhere, any time mindfulness practices” of abdominal breathing, 10 deep breaths, and mindful walking. Take a pause so you can rebalance and re-energise yourself. It is not only good for you but for everyone else too!If you’d like to be part of a community of women seeking a mindful way of...
Published 02/25/24
Are you afraid of failing with healthy eating? Perhaps you have tried everything possible and not been able to stick to anything long-term. In this episode, I jump into the fear with you and share that your worry about healthy eating failure is based on false beliefs. What we believe, we create.  So if you believe that you will fail, then you will. Changing beliefs about food and ourselves is key to enjoying a healthy and sustainable way of eating. Gaining support to overcome fear is...
Published 02/18/24
I encourage you to celebrate Valentine’s Day by yourself, with your partner, or with friends! In this episode, Angela Mills, our resident fitness expert, and I discuss why Valentine’s Day is worth celebrating. But not in the traditional way! Celebrate it alone by participating in activities that boost your self care and self love. There are novel and favourite wellbeing promoting ways to share the day with a loved one or friends. Make this a day to refocus and reset your health and...
Published 02/12/24
Would you love to reclaim a natural, healthy way of eating, your health, and your sanity? Then this episode is for you! I delve into the research that supports mindful eating as a way to enjoy long-term results for your health. I also share the three stages of mindful eating that we use in the Eating for You programs. Further information and support: Reclaim Challenge: Available, 5th to 17th February: https://bit.ly/Reclaim_Challenge Free Mindful Eating Discovery Call:...
Published 02/05/24
Have you set goals for exercise but not been able to maintain them? In this episode, our resident fitness expert, Angela Mills, discusses the importance of not only setting meaningful goals but also establishing exercise habits that you can maintain. In particular, we explore: Avoiding the achievement of a goal through exercise and then reverting to old ways. What meaningful exercise goals might be for you. Staying motivated to exercise longterm. Consistency always wins out...
Published 01/29/24
Maybe you have already forgotten your New Year’s resolutions, but you don’t have to wait until 2025 to set one that you can achieve and maintain! In this episode, I share the common success blockers that ladies often struggle with in our community. The three that I am exploring are: - Having the wrong focus. - Feeling weighed down by self doubt. - Being unclear on your “why”. These are things that they keep repeating without realising it. If you would like further tips on turning...
Published 01/22/24
Have you set a new year's resolution to lose weight? Maybe this year, or in the past? In this episode, I am going to share why your resolution may not have lasted and provide tips on what to do instead. Even though Eating for You is a non-diet approach, I am not anti weight loss, but I know, having worked for over 30 years in health, that focusing on food and weight does not deliver lasting results. Book your FREE 45 Minute Call here: https://eatingforyou.com.au/free-plan
Published 01/22/24
Have you set New Year’s resolutions before? Perhaps they never got off the ground or only lasted a few weeks. There are many reasons why we don’t keep our resolutions, which I covered last year in episode 16. In this episode, I share a very practical way to introduce new, healthier eating and lifestyle choices into your day. And these changes will last! Book your free Mindful Eating Discovery Call here: https://booknow.eatingforyou.com.au/p/mindful-eating-discovery-call/ 7 Signs of...
Published 01/07/24
Would you like a Christmas Day eating strategy? That is, to enjoy your food guilt-free and without overeating! This is totally possible. Tune in to hear my “7 Tips to Avoid Christmas Overeating.” And if you love some extra support to take control of your eating and still enjoy your favourite foods, then join our free and private group for women on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/EatingForYouCommunity
Published 12/17/23
What do you think when you read the words sunrise, sleep, and mindfulness? This is not a trick question! These are three ingredients for a happy and healthy festive season. So in this short and sweet episode, I am encouraging you to make sure the things that make you feel balanced and calm during the silly season are in place. And if you would love some mindful eating support during the festive season, join our Eating for You Community for women:...
Published 12/10/23
Are you worried about overeating during the festive season? If you are, you are not alone. Summer in Australia, from December to February, is a peak time for weight gain, but this can be avoided by taking a look at your eating triggers. In this episode, I share the top three eating triggers and tips to avoid non-hunger eating. If you would love to learn more about avoiding Christmas weight gain, then watch our three-part free training series. Register for Episode 1...
Published 12/03/23
Metabolic rate is one of the topics that we all want and need to understand. But I get quite annoyed by all of the misinformation out there about how to boost your metabolic rate. It isn’t as though we can just push a button and get the benefits of a higher metabolic rate, so in this episode, I welcome back our fitness expert, Angela Mills. Angela and I discuss metabolism, the types of exercise that boost your metabolic rate and why being mindful is essential in choosing the best movement...
Published 11/27/23
Sunshine, beach walks, and relaxing by the pool! It is possible to take a break and stay fit and active over the summer holidays, whether you are at home or travelling. Our resident fitness expert, Angela Mills, and I discuss practical ways to enjoy the summer holidays without losing your fitness and the other health benefits of being active. Learn more about Angela’s online membership program, so you can maintain your exercise routine at a time that’s convenient to you:...
Published 11/20/23
1 in 10 adults worldwide have diabetes.  Over 90% have type 2 diabetes.  Close to half are not yet diagnosed.  In many cases, type 2 diabetes and its complications can be delayed or prevented by adopting  and maintaining healthy eating and lifestyle choices.  In this episode, I focus on type 2 diabetes and three myths that make me very cranky. I take great pleasure in dispelling these myths! And if you are ready to remove the dieting mindset so you can take care of your weight and...
Published 11/13/23
I am so happy to share World Kindness Day with you in this episode. I recorded this episode to remind you that you need to be kind to yourself too. Self-compassion and self-kindness make giving kindness to others even more powerful, as you will be able to sustain it. You will take better care of yourself, so you will be able to take care of others. If you struggle to prioritise your eating and health, then please join me in a free 15 minute call. Book Here:...
Published 11/12/23
Do you stress eat? It’s International Stress Awareness Week (30 October–3 November), so in this episode I am exploring stress and stress eating. Stress or comfort eating is a habit that can develop in response to a stressful situation, like the sudden death of a loved one, as it was in my case. Research shows that women are more likely to develop stress eating habits than men. Men are more likely to drink more alcohol or increase their smoking of cigarettes. Stress eating does not resolve...
Published 11/08/23
Do you eat in secret? Or use food as your coping mechanism? Bronwyn graciously shares her journey from secret eating to mindful eating in this episode.  Bronwyn is a busy mum of three boys and is happy to be off the emotional eating roller coaster, so she can spend more time with her family, her chooks and dog and in her garden! She is now less fearful of her genetic pre-disposition to type 2 diabetes. If you would like to heal your relationship with food, like Bronwyn has, then join me...
Published 11/05/23
What type of movement supports osteoporosis? Do certain foods and supplements help? When is the best time to reverse bone thinning? Because it was World Osteoporosis Day on October 20th, Angela Mills, our resident fitness expert, and I answered your questions about osteoporosis. Book a free call with Sallyanne to overcome your barriers to healthier eating:  https://www.eatingforyou.com.au/free-call  Fit and Fabulous Online: https://online.fitandfabulous.com.au/FitandFabulous2022 Fit and...
Published 10/23/23
Why are vegetables health warriors? Vegetables are one of nature’s vitamin pills, and unlike tablets, they come with the added bonuses of vitamins and minerals in complementary amounts, antioxidants, and fibre.  But we don’t eat enough of them.  Why? In this episode, I provide tips to not only eat more vegetables but also enjoy them. Search recipes on the Eating for You website: https://eatingforyou.com.au/blog/ Book a free mindful eating discovery call:...
Published 10/15/23
What types of foods are recommended to reduce the risk of breast cancer? What foods increase your risk? And who should you listen to when it comes to nutrition advice? In this episode, I answer these questions to the best of my ability based on the current research into food, nutrition, and cancer.  Email your questions to me here: https://eatingforyou.com.au/contact/ Book a free 15-minute call here: https://booknow.eatingforyou.com.au/p/mindful-eating-discovery-call/ Search the Eating...
Published 10/08/23
What type of exercise is recommended after breast cancer treatment and surgery? I welcome Angela Mills back for this episode, as she shares her expertise in guiding women post-breast cancer. A personalised approach to movement at this time is recommended, and Angela explains the important things that need to be considered. You can find out more about Angela here: https://www.fitandfabulous.com.au/ Receive the benefit of Angela’s regular movement and health tips on Instagram:...
Published 10/02/23