We have turned 100! Celebrate with us and all of our clients who have adopted the mindful eating approach and freed themselves from dieting. In this episode I share seven of the common outcomes or expectations of eating mindfully. By transitioning from dieting to mindful eating: Become more discerning over what you eat Tune into and listen to hunger and satiety Let go of food guilt Stop non-hunger eating habits Stay motivated Free yourself from worrying about food ...
Published 09/09/24
Published 09/09/24
Would you love to feel confident to sustain healthier eating? Then it is time to find your voice to make choices that build your confidence and renew your relationship with food. Our topic today was inspired by the 2024 Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week theme of “Your Voice, Your Choice.” In this episode, I introduce seven ways that you can find your voice to sustain healthier choices. These include your beliefs, the concept of natural healthy weight and being able to say no to food when...
Published 09/02/24
Would you love to change your eating habits long-term? But maybe you believe that it is not possible. In this episode, I dispel three myths about eating habits: You need more willpower. You have to focus on food. Eating habits cannot be changed. Most days I am talking with my clients about eating habits and they are relieved that they don’t need more willpower, that they don’t have to give up their favourite foods, and that eating habits can be changed with patience and...
Published 08/26/24
In this episode, I answer this question by reviewing the Paleo Diet. I also provide a checklist for you to use, so you can assess the likelihood of you being able to stick to a certain way of eating. Understanding what the approach is, whether it provides essential nutrients from food and whether it is backed by scientific research are all important factors. Following strict rules and guidelines doesn’t work for most people, so that’s why I have created a new online workshop, Renew Your...
Published 08/19/24
Why is your body composition more important than weight? I am here with Angela Mills, our resident fitness expert, to answer this. We cover: Body composition’s role in health and how to assess it. The importance of lean muscle. What to look out for as you age and how to prevent muscle loss. For more information on Angela’s online pilates membership, visit: https://online.fitandfabulous.com.au/FitandFabulous2022 And if you’d love to get your eating habits on track for good,...
Published 08/12/24
In this episode, I explain mindful nutrition as the symbiotic relationship between the practice of mindful eating and nutrition. Simply put, mindful eating helps us to eat healthier, and nutrition helps us to eat more mindfully. To explain this relationship, I explore how mindful eating and nutrition work together to: Improve your health,  Support you to eat in tune with your own hunger cycles, and  Help you overcome emotional eating habits. As vegetables are the unsung...
Published 08/05/24
Do you really understand what mindful eating is? So many people that I talk with don’t!  Even my clients take a little while to embrace mindful eating fully. While the experience of eating—noticing the colours, aromas, textures, and flavours of foods—is part of mindful eating, it is not what it really is about. The magic happens by being mindful before, during, and after eating. Some might call it magic, and others call it a transformation in their relationship with food. That’s why I am...
Published 07/29/24
Do you believe that healthy eating can be sustained over the long term? Your answer is directly related to your eating mindset. If you have a dieting mindset, you will say, “this is too good to be true!” But mindsets can be changed, so please tune into this episode as I explore five aspects of mindset that support lifelong changes to your eating habits without a diet or scales. The five aspects of mindset required to sustain healthier eating are openness to change, self-awareness,...
Published 07/22/24
Is it time to refocus on healthy eating? And not just for this season, but for the long term. In this episode, I explore three questions with you: What are you seeking for your eating and health? Are you focusing on the right thing to achieve your goal? What's the first small step you're going to take? I share snippets from client stories to help you answer these questions. And for additional guidance and support, learn more about our Avoid Winter Weight Gain Short Course...
Published 07/15/24
Do you have 5 minutes in your day to improve your eating habits and health? Yes, you can start a daily mindfulness practice with just 5 minutes! And as your mind fitness improves, you can lengthen the practice. Our mind directs our thoughts, speech and actions.  We have the choice of whether these are helpful or harmful to others and ourselves. Mindfulness is something that benefits everyone. You do not have to practice a particular religion to practice mindfulness. It is something that...
Published 07/07/24
Rather than picking a weight from the healthy weight charts or a weight that you’d like to be. How about trusting your body to find its natural, healthy weight? Is this scary or freeing for you? I am excited to share with you something unique to the Eating for You approach, and that is a natural, healthy weight. In this episode, I cover: Why you don’t try to fit your size 9 foot in a size 7 shoe. What really is behind weight fluctuations. What natural, healthy weight is. Not...
Published 07/01/24
Have you experienced the winter blues? Perhaps it was Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D). I didn’t know about S.A.D. until I experienced a few winters living on the south island of New Zealand. In this episode, which also coincides with World WellBeing Week, I share tips to reduce winter blues and the symptoms of S.A.D. My suggestions include activities for the mind and body. Free Blue Zone Information: Email me - https://eatingforyou.com.au/contact/  Free Mindful Eating Discover...
Published 06/23/24
If you are worried about overeating comfort foods, this winter—please don’t be! It is possible to enjoy comfort foods mindfully during winter, and still stick to your health goals. In this episode, I share my key principles to eating mindfully during winter, and explain how comfort eating is different from comfort foods. I also share my favourite winter comfort foods. If you are concerned about winter weight gain, then register for our Avoid Winter Weight Gain workshop here:...
Published 06/17/24
I’m happy to answer a popular question in this episode: Is winter weight gain a real thing? It is real for not just you but millions of other people too! I also explore some of the concerns that come with unwanted winter weight gain. But most importantly, I focus on why it happens and provide some tips to eat more mindfully during the winter months to stop winter weight worries. Rather than start looking for a new diet after winter, check out our Avoid Winter Weight Gain Worksup. Up...
Published 06/10/24
When I first spoke with Bev about mindful eating, she thought, “Now that I am 84, I should be able to eat whatever I want.” She also wondered if it was really possible for her to change her desire for sweet foods and snacking habits for good. I am grateful to Bev for joining me in this episode to share her journey with food, which was quite healthy until she was in her 50s. A sudden illness triggered an overeating habit that she then spent the next 30 odd years trying to stop. Bev...
Published 06/03/24
Do you have winter food worries? Perhaps it is the season when you often lose motivation to keep up with your health goals. In this episode,  I share how to stay well nourished and healthy during the cooler months. I explore living in the flow of winter by: - Understanding the nature of winter - Eating mindfully - Choosing wholesome, satisfying foods - Drinking warm, nourishing drinks - Taking care with remedies. You may obtain my winter recipes here:...
Published 05/27/24
Mindful eating isn’t about ditching the dieting rules and eating freely without thought! Sorry! This doesn’t work. So in this episode, I am answering 5 common questions I receive about mindful eating: If I can’t control my eating on a diet, how can I eat healthily with no rules at all? I know I overeat, but how do I reconnect with my ‘true appetite’? How do I stop eating when I know I am already full? I live alone and often read or watch TV while I am eating—how can I become more...
Published 05/20/24
Have you ever experienced overwhelm? Perhaps you feel it every day, So it is my great pleasure to welcome Maura Eliza, a traditional naturopath and the creator of Flex Health with Maura.  Maura helps women heal from chronic illness and reclaim their energy through education, simple self care, and an understanding of how frequency (environmental and self-generated) affects their health.  In this episode we discuss why you don’t need complicated self care routines to overcome overwhelm. We...
Published 05/13/24
Did you know that the dieting mindset could be stopping you from enjoying lasting results for your weight and health? In this episode, for International No Diet Day, May 6th, I help you uncover whether a dieting mindset is blocking your progress and ability to sustain healthier eating. Not sure what a dieting mindset is? A dieting mindset refers to the thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions that remain after your dieting experiences have long past.  Repeated failures change our way of...
Published 05/06/24
Do you find yourself saying, “My health is the most important thing to me”, but then you don’t follow through? If yes, you are probably in the 90% of women who prioritise family and work before yourself. In this episode, I explore the value of health and the common barriers that women face when it comes to investing in their own health and wellbeing. I also share how you can uncover the true blocks that are keeping you stuck in an all or nothing approach to eating and health. Join our...
Published 05/01/24
Are you encouraging healthy eating insanity? Albert Einstein's definition of insanity is:  “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” In this episode, I share which approaches add to the insanity of eating and why. I am sure you want a different result for your efforts and that is long term health and happiness. So rather than do the same thing, do something different to get the result you want. All is revealed in this short and sweet...
Published 04/21/24
It is quite natural to eat for other reasons than hunger, but there is a tipping point when emotional eating becomes a concern. Have you reached your tipping point? In this episode, I explain: The difference between natural and unhealthy emotional eating. Common health and wellbeing impacts. An approach to transforming emotional eating habits for good. Free resources Eating Checklist:...
Published 04/14/24
Do you dream of being able to sustain healthier eating for good without going on and off diets? Then this episode will be of benefit to you. I explore one of my favourite topics, the foundations of mindful eating. Including: - The origins of mindful eating - Why it works - The benefits - And how to get started Interested in the free 45-minute Foundations Mindful Eating planning call?  If continuing with your current eating habits will only lead to unwanted weight gain or health...
Published 04/09/24
Can you boost your metabolic rate? In this episode, Angela Mills, our resident fitness expert helps bust through the myths and merits of boosting our metabolic rate. We discuss the different lifestyle choices you can make to raise your metabolic rate, through exercise, sleep, relaxation, and your eating patterns. For additional guidance on movement that boosts your metabolism, view Angela’s online pilate’s program: https://online.fitandfabulous.com.au/FitandFabulous2022 And for guidance...
Published 04/01/24