Hot off our end of 2023 hiatus, we are BACK with a year in review recap! It's a bit chaotic, but isn't life?! Kick back and relax as we take you through the ups and downs of our 2023 - the good, the bad, the wild and the wonderful. HAPPY 2024 - we are excited for another year of podcasting WITH YOU! —---------------------------------------- Grab our free guide Sell Yourself: https://kristademcher.kartra.com/page/sellyourselfguide Learn more about ACORN: www.kristademcher.com Follow SHE...
Published 01/08/24
It’s the beginning of a new year, and you’re likely hearing a lot about setting goals, manifesting big things and creating a vision board to back it all up.  While this is all really important to setting the year off on the right foot, conventional advice on how to do it may actually be pushing you farther away from your big dreams instead of closer to them.  In this episode, we take on the idea of vision boards and break down a four step process on how to make one that will encourage +...
Published 01/01/24
You’ve heard that the fortune is in the follow up…but how the heck do you do it without feeling robotic or weird?!  In this episode we’re selling you on WHY following up is so important, and we’re sharing 8 do’s and don’ts to follow when reaching back out to your prospective customers. Listen in for: The power of taking a mental lap before sending a message Why less is more How the phrase “just following up” is actually hurting you And more! —----------- Grab our free guide...
Published 12/25/23
While sales success largely depends on building long-term, foundation skills, there are a few quick strategies you can master that will come in handy in almost every sales conversation.   One is more powerful than all the others - the art of asking questions - and we are breaking it down in today’s episode. Listen in to hear: How to answer almost any question The only way to truly control a sales conversation What words to use when asking a great question ---- Grab our free...
Published 12/18/23
Confidence sometimes feels like this fancy buzz word that people throw around to make themselves sound inspirational - but what is it REALLY?  We dive into this concept and lay out a new definition for confidence, as well as a two step process with how you build it.  Whether you’re parent trying to feel better about how you’re raising your kids, an entrepreneur who wants to be seen as an expert in their field, or a sales professional that needs to move the needle on the bottom line, building...
Published 12/11/23
As sales professionals, we are always looking for new business - but sometimes we make it much harder than it should be.  Did you know that research shows that 65% of new business comes from referrals?  In this episode, we are breaking down why this matters and exactly how to go about getting them. Listen in for: What you must do BEFORE you can ask for a referral The power of specificity  Why being in the right room matters And more! Grab our free guide Say This to Sell More:...
Published 12/04/23
She’s a magazine cover girl, a Taekwondo Black Belt, Mrs. Maryland 2021 AND United States of America's Mrs. Maryland 2023, a kick-ass health + body coach…but beyond all these fancy titles + accolades, Julia Chang is a woman focused on creating legacy + helping others find their purpose. This mission of hers comes from her own struggle.  Believe it or not, over three years ago Julia felt lost in her role as wife and mother, and the journey she’s taken since then is nothing short of...
Published 11/27/23
It’s the hottest deal week of the year as a consumer…but how do you navigate Black Friday madness as a business owner, without giving it ALL away - profit included?!  Listen in as we cover 10 Black Friday dos and donts so you feel equipped and ready to make the most of the week ahead! —----------------------------------------   Grab our free guide Sell Yourself: https://kristademcher.kartra.com/page/sellyourselfguide   Learn more about ACORN: www.kristademcher.com                  ...
Published 11/20/23
In honor of Veteran’s Day, we’re sharing a very special 2-part episode to share the good, the tough and the sometimes uncomfortable stories from Brian’s year spent as an Army Officer in Iraq. If you’ve ever wondered what a soldier does all day, what it was really like, and if it’s anything like what you see in the movies, this is for you. Be sure to catch part one of this episode first HERE:   —---------------------------------------- REGISTER HERE for the Totally Pitchin Workshop: ...
Published 11/13/23
In honor of Veteran’s Day, we’re sharing a very special 2-part episode to share the good, the tough and the sometimes uncomfortable stories from Brian’s year spent as an Army Officer in Iraq. If you’ve ever wondered what a soldier does all day, what was is really like, and if it’s anything like what you see in the movies, this is for you. Tune in for part 2 next week! —---------------------------------------- REGISTER HERE for the Totally Pitchin Workshop: ...
Published 11/06/23
In this episode, Krista has a great conversation with PR expert Sabina Hitchen, affectionately called the Press Fairy Godmother.  Sabina is on a mission to empower small business owners to harness the power of press for enhanced visibility and credibility. Listen in for: Sabina's PR Journey: Gain insight into Sabina's experience in the world of public relations and her journey from midwestern HS teacher to NYC PR agency owner to New England small business owner. The Press Advantage:...
Published 10/30/23
You’ve likely heard about ‘grit’ and know that it’s important….but what is grit exactly and how can you get more of it?  Listen today to Brian’s first solo episode as he dives deep into grit - one of his favorite concepts.  Because let’s face it, talent is important but effort is paramount. Listen in for:: The 4 elements of grit Stories from West Point + what grit has to do with being a cadet there How to build your discipline And more! ...
Published 10/23/23
Are you a master of your destiny or a victim of your circumstances?  Believe it or not, the answer to that question may come down to how much you use a certain 4-letter word. In this episode, Krista + Brian take on the curse of ‘busy’, and bring insight into why using this word is pushing you further away from achieving your dreams. (We also lean into a tangent on NFL QB Zach Wilson, and what Krista’s motherly obsession with him has to do with you and your brand!) Listen in for: The...
Published 10/16/23
Today’s episode falls on Krista’s 45th birthday, so she’s bringing a special episode to you. Instead of a list of 45 things she’s learned in 45 years, Krista’s giving you the best piece of life advice she’s learned from her time here on Earth thus far.  This piece of life advice is especially sharpened into focus over the last year, because of what she learned from someone really special to her. Listen in for a heartfelt story, the pep talk you didn’t know you needed, and an action plan...
Published 10/09/23
If you’ve ever wondered what REALLY goes on behind the scenes of a business launch…you’re going to want to listen to this! The latest round of ACORN Amplify just closed and we’re reflecting on what things we implemented that worked well, and what things we’ll do differently next time. Listen in for:   Why price transparency matters The behind the scenes secret to closing sales What all successful launches have in common And more! —----------------------------------------   ...
Published 10/02/23
Join Krista for a SOLO episode as she pulls back the curtain on the BS in the online coaching space. An IG Reel that said you can “make $12K in passive sales while at the spa with your girlfriends” was the impetus for this episode, but there’s so much more where that came from.  Online gurus are marketing get rich quick schemes to us left and right, and not only is it irresponsible but it’s simply untrue. Listen in for what happens behind the scenes in online businesses, for questions to...
Published 09/25/23
Storytelling is getting a lot of buzz these days, and for good reason.  Telling stories connects us as human beings, and helps the listener actually imagine themself inside the story. When selling, stories are king (or queen!).  BUT - not all stories are created equal.  In this episode, we are diving into 6 storytelling mistakes that we see again and again…and we’re arming you with plenty of tips to avoid them. —----------------------------------------   Get your spot in ACORN Amplify: ...
Published 09/18/23
“But how do I figure out what makes my business different from those of other people who are doing the same thing?” It was a great question we got at the end of our latest workshop, and we devoted this entire episode to answering it!  Understanding what makes you different (which is BETTER than better) is absolutely fundamental to developing great sales stories + messaging, and we’re committed to helping you understand exactly how to do it. —----------------------------------------   ...
Published 09/11/23
When we sell, we focus so heavily on the benefits that our product or service will bring to the lives of others.  But what if we told you that by painting the dream, you’re missing out on the real thing that moves customers to action? Behavioral economics tells us that loss aversion theory, aka the desire to hold on to what we already have, is the key to getting someone to make a buying decision, and in this episode - we are making it MAKE SENSE for you! Listen in as we break down this...
Published 09/04/23
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.  In fact, a study out of Harvard University found that 93% of feelings + emotions received from a message come from nonverbal communication.  That means your delivery matters so much more than your words do! This episode is the last in a 3 part series where we’re covering the 3 main pillars of sales, and we’re diving headfirst into communication:  what it means, why it matters, + how to improve yours. To truly master these three pillars, grab your...
Published 08/28/23
You know you need to show up as an expert to build trust with others and get them to buy into your ideas, beliefs, product or service…but how do you do it without feeling self-centered or like you’re puffing out your chest a little too much?! It’s tricky but it IS possible, and we are talking about the how in this episode.  Listen in to hear the difference between expertise + mastery, to understand why you may not be getting the referrals you are hoping for, and how to up your credibility...
Published 08/21/23
It’s no secret that selling is an inside job.  Not only do you have to believe in yourself + what you have to offer, but when selling you have to be coming from the right place.  One that doesn’t make you seem desperate or have “commission breath”, but instead one that shows you truly care about helping your customer + one that allows you guide them naturally toward a decision. This delicate balance is one that most salespeople struggle with, and it all boils down to one thing:  your...
Published 08/14/23
You often hear that someone is a “natural born salesperson”, but we call total BS on that!  No matter how charismatic or tenacious you are, there are three main areas every single person must develop to sell well:  your character, your competence + your communication skills. In this episode, we talk through each of these to help you better understand why they are so important to not only your sales success, but your life success too! —----------------------------------------   Grab your...
Published 08/07/23
Heather Krout is back!  After rave reviews from her first guest appearance on She Sells He Sells, we’ve brought her back to talk about the personal side of business:  namely, how she balances being the mom she wants to be while building the business she dreams of. In a world where bigger + faster is better, Heather takes the stance that slow + steady wins the race and she embodies that not only in business, but in her parenting. Listen in for a real + candid conversation on all things...
Published 07/31/23
A short bit ago we escaped for a “working vacation” weekend together.  While we expected to have fun and get a lot done (and we did!), we were also reminded of the power of interrupting the norm and what it can do for creativity and vision. Listen in for a weekend away recap:  the good, the weird, and everything in between! --------------------------------------   Grab our free guide Sell Yourself: https://kristademcher.kartra.com/page/sellyourselfguide   Learn more about ACORN...
Published 07/24/23