Have you ever tried to meditate but you've struggled to do it because there are so many thoughts swimming through your head? Or maybe you're just finding meditation a little bit difficult and you'd like a smoother and more seamless way to to do it... Well, often the reason why meditation doesn't go as smoothly as we'd like it to is because you're missing a key step. So in this episode of the podcast, we're going to be taking a look at this key step. We'll be taking a look at the No 1. that...
Published 09/11/24
We all have stuff that we want from life, right? It could be in: Relationships. Your career. Financial. Your Health. Or some other area of you life. But getting what we want isn't always easy (Darn it) There are things that get in the way or prevent us from moving forward. So we need to be able to remove these blocks so we can start making ACTUAL progress in our lives.And in general, there are 5 main things that tend to prevent us from getting what we want in life. And in this episode, we're...
Published 09/04/24
Creating healthy boundaries is more crucial today than it’s ever been. The world is more hectic, more demanding, and everything & everyone seems to have access to us all the time! So because of this, creating healthy boundaries is no longer just a ‘nice to have’, it’s become an absolute necessity for living a stress-less & happy life. And one way to do this is by using a method I call The 3 C's for Creating Healthy Boundaries. It can be used in any type of relationship: work;...
Published 08/29/24
Self help is a multi billion pound industry… in 2020, the global self-improvement market was valued at $38.53 billion in 2020. And it’s projected to reach $105.6 billion by 2027! So clearly there is a massive need here… But is self-help actually working, or is does is end up doing more damage than good? Well, in this episode we’re gonna play devils’ advocate and take a look 3 reasons why consuming lots of self-help may be not helping you at all and, in fact, it could be taking your further...
Published 08/21/24
Meditation, when used effectively, can be one of the most powerful tools we can add to our life. BUT, many people are still a little bit confused about what it is and how to do it. And one of the reasons why is because of the many myths that have become attached to it. So in this episode of the podcast, we're going to be doing some myth busting! I'll be busting 5 common myths about meditation that many people still believe. And by clearing up these myths, you'll be able to start meditating...
Published 08/14/24
We all have moments where we get knocked off balance. It doesn't matter how emotionally or spiritually evolved you are, it's going to happen – and, for some, it'll happen quite regularly. The most important thing, though, is how we respond to these moments. As Vince Lombardi once said, "it's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up..." In the emotionally triggering world that we live in, we need to have a range of strategies for dealing with unpleasant experiencing and...
Published 08/07/24
It's been said that "The Quality of your Life is Determined by the quality of the Questions that you ask"... Questions (when asked internally) will steer and guide our thinking so, when crafted & asked in a particular way, we can use them to: Overcome challenges & moments in our life where we get stuck. Come up with new & creative ideas. Help us get out of a 'dark' place. Create all manner of positive changes in our life. So in this episode of the podcast, we're going to be...
Published 07/31/24
Ever feel like the world is constantly trying to pull your attention in a million different directions? Well, you're not alone! In this episode, we'll be diving deep into why distractions are such a big deal and how they can mess with not just your productivity but also your happiness. We’ll be exploring the three main reasons distractions happen and I'll also be sharing with you my all-time favourite technique for increasing focus and concentration so you can become distraction-proof. So, if...
Published 07/24/24
Is luck something you either have or don't have? Or is it possible to influence how lucky you are? Well, in his book, The Luck Factor, Richard Wisemen says that luck is absolutely something that we can increase through simple mindset & behavioural changes. So in this episode of the podcast, I'll be discussing 4 BIG takeaways from Wiseman's book that will help you start to increase your luck today.   SHOW NOTES: – For more tips on luck, check out The Luck Factor by Richard Wisemen – Other...
Published 07/17/24
Hey friends! 🌟 In this episode of The Stress Less Living Podcast, we're diving once again into mindfulness & how to be more present.  So if you often find yourself lost in thought, overthinking, or feeling disconnected, then this one's for you! I'll be sharing five powerful yet simple strategies to help you live more in the moment. Trust me, these tips can make a world of difference! Ready to be more present and enjoy life to the fullest? Tune in and let's get started! SHOW NOTES: – Free...
Published 07/10/24
What if you could capture some of that bliss that you used to experience (naturally) as a child? And what if you could become more connected with the present moment rather than being stuck in your head all the time? Well, one way to re-connect with this more simple and blissful way of existing, is to practise The Beginner's Mind. The Beginner's Mind is where you drop expectations and look at life through a fresh lens. And when we approach life like this, our attention returns to the moment...
Published 07/03/24
Many people like to use meditation apps to help the relax at the end of a busy & stressful day. And, while these apps can be useful, a lot of the time they're used to 'zonk' out and disconnect from experience and this is not what meditation is really about. Meditation done powerfully is about the opposite: it's about connecting more!It's about connecting more with yourself, your experiences, and the greater systems that you belong to.So in this episode of the podcast, I'll be going...
Published 06/26/24
One of the things that makes life harder work than it needs to be is not being able to forgive.  Holding on to all the anger, hurt, resentment, the bruising of the ego, and, in general, just not being able to move on. Forgiveness can be a tough one to process, especially if we believe that we've been properly betrayed or treated badly. So in this episode of the podcast, we'll be taking a look at the art of forgiveness. I'll be going through a 2-step process you can use to get some resolution...
Published 06/19/24
One of the things that can make life more effortless is to discover your super power and then double down on it. By virtue of our life experience, genetics, struggles, challenges and successes, we will all have developed certain abilities. Things that we do exquisitely.   But so often we take them for granted. Because they come easy to us, we can devalue them. When really, we should be acknowledging them fully and doubling down on them. When we do, it makes life more effortless and...
Published 06/12/24
Without realising it, we regularly make accomplishing our goals harder than it needs to be.  Every (meaningful) goal does of course require investment of time & effort but, in general, there is always a lower stress (or more effortless) way to achieve it. So in this episode, I'll be sharing 4 ways to make goal achievement more effortless. Personally, I love to find easier and more enjoyable ways to accomplish my goals so if you want to do likewise then you'll dig this episode!SHOW NOTES –...
Published 06/05/24
As human beings we play games don't we?  And some of these games can be necessary in order to navigate the tricky social waters. But some most definitely are NOT. There are many games that are inherently toxic and you want to avoid being drawn into them at all cost. These are also games that can appear beneficial on the surface but, in reality, they end up being damaging for at least one of the people involved (and often that person is you).So in this episode of the podcast, I'll be covering...
Published 05/29/24
Do you have days where everything is on top of you and you feel totally overwhelmed?  I do, and (unfortunately) I think the potential of it is just part and parcel of modern-life. But, just because we all run the risk of overwhelm, it doesn't mean we have to put up with all the time. There are LOTS of things we can do to combat feelings of being overloaded and so we can make our life more effortless. And in this episode, I'll be taking a look at my 4 favourite strategies for preventing...
Published 05/22/24
Do you ever feel like a fraud?  That nagging feeling that, any day now, you'll be found out... Well, it's common! And I'll let you into a secret: I occasionally feel it too! Imposter's syndrome is a BIG issue for a lot of people so in this episode we'll be taking a look at how to overcome imposter's syndrome using the practice of gratitude.   SHOW NOTES If you want to download the Full Life Audit, that was mentioned in this episode then here's the link to do so: Do a Full Life Audit and...
Published 05/15/24
The dreaded imposter's syndrome! Don't you just hate it. Most people at some stage of their life experience the fear of being found out (myself included). So in this episode of The Stress Less Living Podcast, I'll be outlining the 5 Types of Imposter's Syndrome (according to Dr Valerie Young) and sharing strategies for overcoming each of them. So if you want to get out there and let the world know your talent with less fear of falling flat on your face then you'll love this week's...
Published 05/01/24
Dolly Parton once said "Don't be so busy making a living that you forget to make a life."   In this episode, I'll be sharing with your 5 HUGE Game-Changing Insights that can lead to a greater Work/Life Harmony.   It's something that we all want right? That perfect balance between work & life...   Well, if you're finding it difficult to balance work demands with your personal life & it's affecting your happiness then you'll find that these 5 powerful insights will make an immediate...
Published 04/24/24
In this episode of Stress-Less Living, I'll be looking at how to do a stress detox. Tension is an unconscious process (it builds up without is realising it) but relaxation is often a conscious process (one we have to do deliberately) so we need to have a method for draining tension and creating a sense on relaxation and calm. In this episode, I'll breakdown how I do a stress-detox combining physical relaxation, breathing, and the power of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). The technique I'll...
Published 04/17/24
Hey there! In this episode of the Stress-Less Living Podcast, I'll be sharing with you one of the most important mindfulness/mindset principles that (I believe) you can ever internalise. This principle is helps with one of the major causes of unhappiness, and has personally helped me manage the chaos of modern life, overcome major adversity, and move past challenging circumstances. Join me for an exploration into this game-changing mindfulness/mindset principle and start living an easier and...
Published 04/01/24
In this episode of the Stress-Less Living Podcast, we'll be taking a look at five major time wasters that may well be holding you back from reaching your full potential and living a balanced life. Our 'time' is one of the most valuable assets that we have yet we often spend unwarranted portions of it on things that either don't matter or don't move the needle forward in the important areas of our life. In this episode, you'll discover 5 key 'time-wasters' that most people engage in (at some...
Published 04/01/24
In this episode of the Stress Less Living podcast, I'll be delving into – The concept of power rituals & how they can be used to reduce daily stress & overwhelm. – How to use Power Rituals to increase focus, productivity & happiness, so that can get the very most out of each day. – Dive into how a morning routine can kickstart your energy levels and set your day up with positive momentum. – Learn about evening rituals that focus on winding down and preparing for tranquility,...
Published 03/28/24