Did you know that you can actually put on a significant amount of muscle? That there’s a scientific way to go about it, you don’t have to try out random things and hope you are gaining muscle? I want you to know that you (yes-YOU!), as a mom, or as a woman maybe in in her 30s or 40s or beyond, could actually make a huge change in your fitness level and muscle level. Sometimes I think we feel like we’ve been stuck in a spot for so long that it feels like it’s our destiny. Let me tell you...
Published 03/04/24
One of the main things I hear from women is that they want to gain muscle. And I can understand why! Who wouldn't want to be strong and look strong, and maybe change the shape of their body a little bit too? This week I’m starting my Nutrition for Muscle Gain series, where we are going to dive into how YOU can begin to put significant amounts of muscle on your body.   Reference article: https://www.nutritiontactics.com/measure-muscle-protein-synthesis/
Published 02/26/24
I’m getting personal today about my own fitness journey. So many of us want real change in our bodies, change that we can actually see and feel. So, today I’m talking about the bodybuilding principal that literally reshaped my body (and still is!) and has made the biggest impact in my muscle gain and fat loss efforts. And I’m going to teach it to you as well! -Rachel
Published 02/19/24
It's 4pm on a weeknight, you have just gotten the kids home from school, and you open the fridge to figure dinner out and are met with condiments and some leftover something you can't identify in a container in the back of the fridge.  Time to run to the store or go pick up fast food.  Ever been there?  But you don't have to STAY there.  Today in this bonus episode, I'm here to walk you through my 4 step meal planning method so you can learn how to meal plan with confidence. 
Published 02/15/24
If I were to ask you to rate your home life right now, and by that I mean household management like meals, chores, cleaning, managing the kids, all that, how would you rate it on a scale of “I am in control most of the time” to “my life is on fire and I LIVE in survival mode”? If you answered that your life is on fire, then I have some good news for you: There is a simpler, easier way to live your life that is actually going to make reaching those health and fitness goals easier.  If you live...
Published 02/12/24
I'm starting a 12 week coaching program, and I'm giving away ONE spot! Listen to the episode for all the details. To enter the contest, you need to: Leave me a written review on Apple podcasts or another platform that allows WRITTEN reviews, it has to be written. I’ll link a how-to in the show notes for apple podcasts. Take a screenshot of the review (before you post it so it doesn't get lost). Email that screenshot to [email protected] and tell me why you want to be in the...
Published 02/07/24
So you’re set and ready to start some positive eating habits to promote your goal of fat loss, but things just keep getting derailed for some reason! Could it be that you are guilty of some of these fat-loss sabotaging habits? These sneaky habits take our best efforts and minimize or completely ruin their effectiveness, so listen now to see if these are throwing a wrench in your fat loss goals.    
Published 02/05/24
Today's episode is a little bonus for you! Last episode I talked about my NEW nutrition guide: Simple Guide to Fat Loss-without counting calories. You can get that guide here! In that guide I talk a lot about protein, so I wanted to give you a bonus episode ALL about my favorite high protein snacks.  Enjoy!
Published 01/31/24
One of the most common things I hear women say about their bodies is that they want to feel good in their skin; they want their clothes fitting better; they want to feel better! Well friend, if that’s you, after today’s episode, you will have the tools you need to start losing fat and maybe getting those clothes fitting better too! This episode is Part 2 of my Nutrition for Fat loss series. Fat loss can seem really complicated and overwhelming! You know you need to eat better but you aren’t...
Published 01/29/24
Are you sick of trying to lose weight but feeling like you’re just losing the same 5 or 10 lbs over and over again? I’ve been there too! It’s so frustrating when you feel like weight loss is this unpredictable thing that you don’t have control over. But let me let you in on a secret. It CAN be predictable. You just have to approach it in the right way. Also, what you really want is fat loss, not weight loss right? Today’s episode is part one in a series all about fat loss and how...
Published 01/22/24
Ever walked into the gym and just been confused? Have you ever thought "Where do I start, what do I do, are people staring at me??" Ever pretended to be stretching but you're really Googling workout routines?  If you've ever been there, then this episode is just for you! I'm taking all the guesswork out of what you should do in the gym to get started weightlifting, and taking you step-by-step in the process.  Imagine going into the gym and feeling confident that you know what exactly you are...
Published 01/15/24
We all know getting into healthy habits is hard. We set a goal for ourselves and then find that making time for that goal can be difficult to maintain. Ever been there? If you struggle with finding the time to work on your health and fitness goals, then today's episode is for you! Today we are going to be discussing 6 critical steps to making your fitness goals successful, and if you implement these steps it could really be life-changing!  Let's make lasting change together. Listen...
Published 01/08/24
Hi Friend! Today’s topic is a deep dive into one of the most foundational principles of weightlifting. If you want to grow your muscles, you NEED to be doing this. -Rachel
Published 01/01/24
Hi Friend! Ever been confused about what exercises you should be doing in the gym for the best results? In today’s episode I’m going to be going over 3 foundational exercises that will get you started weightlifting in the gym.  If you are new to weightlifting, this episode is for you! You got this! -Rachel
Published 01/01/24
Hi Friend,  Have you ever felt intimidated to use the weights section in your gym? A subtle feeling that you didn’t belong?  If you’ve ever felt that, this episode is for you! We will be going through 3 steps to overcoming fear of the weight room that I know will give your more confidence to step into the weight room.  Show Notes: Rack set up and squat form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZhGaQzbSM0
Published 01/01/24
Are you tired of not knowing what to do at this gym? Frustrated with trying to eat right...but you aren’t sure what eating right actually is? Sick of trying hard but not getting results? Welcome to Episode 1 of the Effective Fitness for Women podcast! I’m Rachel, a wife, mom of 6, and registered dietitian who is passionate about weightlifting. This podcast is dedicated to teaching you how to be effective with your efforts so you start getting results!
Published 01/01/24