In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels reflect on their top 3 lessons they have learned throughout 2022, as well as, recognize how each other has really grown in this last year.    BOOKS WE LOVE Atomic Habits by James Clear Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch    BREAK FREE RESOURCES Click here to book a FREE Strategy Session with Kels Click here to get the Journal Prompts + 30 Self-Love Affirmations    STAY CONNECTED WITH US! Rediscover You- Healthy, Fit,...
Published 12/27/22
In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels discuss the newly released movie on Netflix called "Stutz" featuring Jonah Hill and Phil Stutz. Vic and Kels talk about the hard things. The things we want to hide. Tune in to learn about your shadow and how you can relate to it.  LINKS Stutz the Movie⁠The Tools   BOOKS WE LOVE Atomic Habits by James Clear Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch    BREAK FREE RESOURCES Click here to book a FREE Strategy Session with...
Published 12/13/22
In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels give you their top 5 tips to help you not only survive this Thanksgiving, but to THRIVE! You can have freedom with food and a beautiful life experience this holiday without the fear of diet talk or food guilt bringing you down. LINKS DBT Cope Ahead Worksheet⁠ BOOKS WE LOVE Atomic Habits by James Clear Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch    BREAK FREE RESOURCES Click here to book a FREE Strategy Session with Kels Click...
Published 11/23/22
In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels discuss the difference between wanting versus deciding. They go into Seligman's Dog experiment as it relates to learned helplessness, the power of choice, how you can apply this to your own lives. LINKS Seligman's Experiment   QUOTES The more you repeat a behavior, the more you reinforce the identity associated with that behavior. In fact, the word identity was originally derived from the Latin words essentitas, which means being, and...
Published 11/15/22
In today’s episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels discuss what happens in your life when you truly come from a place or respect and love. They touch on the compounding interest of caring for yourself, the connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions, the importance of boundaries, and the struggles of self-sabotaging cycles. Never forget that you have the power to change your thoughts!   QUOTES People learn how to treat us based on how they see us treating ourselves. If I don’t put...
Published 11/01/22
This week on Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels talk about the motivation triad and how it plays a role in our day to day life. They discuss how to start doing the things we as humans naturally avoid and review how to intentially create habits. Tune in to hear their conversation! [ Forming Habits ] 1. Immediate Reward 2. Social Incentive  3. Tracking Progress   LINKS & RESOURCES: Book a FREE Strategy Session The Motivational Triad  The Self-Coaching Model Guide Ted Talk Atomic...
Published 10/18/22
This week on Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels share their strategies for bringing back their natural hunger and fullness cues so that you can learn how to trust your body, prevent overeating, and break the habit of mindlessly "cleaning your plate". LINKS: Book a FREE Strategy Session RESOURCES: Hunger/Fullness Scale How I Use the Ate App CONNECT WITH US: Kels @rediscover.you.free Vic @builtstronggg
Published 10/11/22
This week on Embracing the Gray, Vic opens up about how she has used medication as a tool in the pursuit of healthy and sustainable weight loss. She discusses the tension she experienced in the process, lab work, insurance, and her own perspective + journey. Most importantly though, Vic and Kels emphasize that medication is JUST a tool and you must focus on the work between your ears!   LINKS: 321 Journal Learn More About the Retreat Book a FREE Strategy Session CONNECT WITH US: Kels...
Published 10/04/22
This week on Embracing the Gray, Kels goes deep into live events can shape your life, your purpose, and introduce you to the people who can change the entire trajectory of your life. LINKS: 321 Journal Learn More About the Retreat Book a FREE Strategy Session CONNECT WITH US: Kels- @rediscover.you.free Vic - @builtstronggg
Published 09/27/22
This week on Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels talk all things diet talk and how to handle those comments and conversations. The episode then takes a sharp turn into a raw and messy conversation about body image and their unique perspectives. LINKS: 321 Journal Learn More About the Retreat Book a FREE Strategy Session
Published 09/27/22
This week on Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels talk about the Law of Detachment. Tune in and listen to the benefits of setting the outcome aside, truly embracing the journey, and how it can change the course of your life. AFFIRMATIONS: "I release control" "What I want also wants me" "It is already on its way to me" "My success is inevitable" LINKS: Guided Visualization 321 Journal Learn More About the Retreat Book a FREE Strategy Session
Published 09/13/22
In this episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels discuss failure Vic and Kels share intimate stories of failure and discuss how it has impacted both their lives. From embracing what they have learned, to being open to the growth that comes out of each failure, this conversation will shift your thinking around failure in a major way! QUOTES Rachel Alaia Quote Brianna Wiest Quote BOOKS The Mountain Is You LINKS 321 Journal Learn More About the Retreat Book a Strategy Session
Published 09/06/22
The act of being able to see our thoughts and feelings for what they are-- just thoughts and feelings-- can be a huge game-changer when it comes to what we can accomplish in our lives. Tune in now to hear about how you can get out of your own head and into your life with Acceptance & Commitment Therapy + Training and the exercise of cognitive defusion. ACT RESOURCES: The Hexaflex  ACT Made Simple BOOKS WE LOVE: Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch  Atomic Habits by...
Published 08/30/22
If you've ever struggled with feeling good about yourself, you are not alone. In today's episode of Embracing The Gray, Vic and Kels break down why self-esteem is an INSIDE-out job and exactly how you can rebuild your relationship with yourself through setting boundaries, practicing self-advocacy, and reframing the thoughts you tell yourself about yourself.  YOUTUBE VIDEO: How to Improve Self-Esteem and Self-Talk SELF-ESTEEM WORKSHEET: Binge Eating Disorder Clinical Foundations (Session...
Published 08/23/22
In today's episode of Embracing The Gray, Vic and Kels deep dive into how our belief systems and the narratives or stories we tell about ourselves about ourselves can impact our feelings, actions, and results.  You'll learn how 'woo' meets science with the Tinkerbell Effect and the Placebo Effect, as well as, how you can use both of these strategies to change the way you see yourself, how you show up for yourself, and the reality you create as a natural byproduct.  BOOKS WE...
Published 08/16/22
In today's episode of Embracing The Gray, Vic and Kels discuss their diverse experiences with their bodies. Listen as they explore topics such as the root of shame, loose skin, feeling exposed, and more. They also dive into body neutrality and how it differs from body positivity. So tune in for some understanding, empathy, and relatable stories from two amazing women who have been there!  BOOKS WE LOVE: Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch  Atomic Habits by James...
Published 08/09/22
If you've ever come to the end of your day and thought to yourself- "What the heck did I even get done today?" Then today's episode of Embracing the Gray is for you! Vic and Kels deep dive into their own personal struggles with productivity, unending to-do lists, and a seemingly endless cycle of never feeling good enough. You'll learn how to "check the facts" and recognize the lies or story you may be telling yourself about yourself, your situation, or your own...
Published 08/02/22
If you've ever found yourself in a seemingly endless cycle of mindlessly wandering into the kitchen, eating something you know you "shouldn't", and then feeling guilty and powerless to stop, then today's podcast episode is for you. Oftentimes we think that it's keeping certain foods in the house that is the problem, when really it's the fact that we have some unmet emotional need that is triggering our habitual coping mechanism.We often refer to this coping mechanism as emotional eating. In...
Published 07/26/22
In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels share vulnerably about what it means to shift focus to the highest version of themselves rather than focusing on an outcome.  If you struggle with feeling 'all-or-nothing' when it comes to eating healthy, be sure to check out our FREE Masterclass to learn how you can feel at peace with food and confident in your body without feeling obsessed or deprived.  Click here to watch the 'Break Free from the All-or-Nothing with Food' training...
Published 07/19/22
If you've ever struggled with setbacks on your food freedom or weight loss journey, then today's episode of Embracing the Gray is for you. Vic and Kels deep dive into their own personal struggles with setbacks this week, as well as, exactly how they each chose to pick themselves up, brush themselves off, and keep moving forward. You can too!  YOU ARE NOT ALONE! To see if you'd be a good fit for our private community of like-minded, ambitious women and start your own journey to food freedom...
Published 07/12/22
In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels talk about all things related to the SCALE! They discuss factors that can affect the scale weight, other ways to measure progress, weight NOT being a behavior, and more! RESOURCES: Quote: "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” — Viktor Frankl Watch the Break Free from All-or-Nothing with Food Masterclass:...
Published 07/05/22
In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels deep dive into food scarcity, as well as, our exact step-by-step process to healing your relationship with food so you can finally feel "normal" around food.  If you struggle with feeling 'all-or-nothing' when it comes to eating healthy, be sure to check out our FREE masterclass to learn how you can feel at peace with food and confident in your body without feeling obsessed or deprived.  Click here for the FREE training-...
Published 07/03/22
In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels talk about the famous Bruce Lee quote, "Absorb what is useful Discard what is not Add what is uniquely your own." They discussed this quote and its usefulness in any life experience while also deep diving into how it pertains to diet culture and their own stories. “A teacher is never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student must find for himself.” Watch the live training here. Stay Connected with...
Published 06/21/22
In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels talk about switching up training by upping intensity, working on regressions, and focusing on your why.  Watch the live training here. Stay Connected with Us!  @builtstronggg @rediscover.you.free
Published 06/14/22
In today's episode of Embracing the Gray, Vic and Kels talk about comparison (to oneself & others), the shame spiral, and what to focus on instead of comparison!   Our Fav Books  Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch  Atomic Habits by James Clear   Stay Connected with us! @builtstronggg @rediscover.you.free
Published 05/24/22