In this episode I chat with online coach Chelsea Pullinger. We both share a very similar mindset when it comes to health and fitness - sustainability!! We have a fab conversation about: -sustainable weight loss -lifestyle habits outside the gym -having a strong why -how to deal with challenges -self-love vs goals -strength training -planning and prepping If you'd like to connect with Chelsea you will find her on Instagram @evolvewithchelsea Music by LiQWYD Free download:...
Published 06/18/24
This is me. A mum of 3 kids. Nothing special. And Dya know what, this photo doesn't even come close to portraying the transformation that has happened to me in these short few years. The photo on the left was October 2017. I was in the middle of painful physio to recover from a pelvic injury during childbirth. A walk that used to take me 10 minutes was now taking 30 minutes. My confidence was low, and although I was so delighted with my beautiful little family, I had lost myself along the...
Published 06/11/24
Published 06/11/24
In this week's episode I chat with Lisa Grogan. Lisa is a psychologist and owner of Lisa Grogan Coaching, where she offers life coaching, corporate wellness and business coaching. We have a fantastic conversation around the following topics: -career change -the effects of social media -the power of the subconscious mind -belief systems -growth vs fixed mindset -sympathetic vs parasympathetic nervous systems -journaling -gratitude If you'd like to connect with Lisa you will find...
Published 06/04/24
It's important to have goals. It's important to have a clear why. But if you don't believe that you can get there, they will always remain in the future. ‌That's easier said than done! You can't just click your fingers and believe! SO how do we build this self-belief? That's is exactly what I dive into in this episode! Music by LiQWYD Free download: hypeddit.com/link/xxtopb [http://hypeddit.com/link/xxtopb] Promoted by FreeMusicPromo  ...
Published 05/28/24
In this episode, I chat with Sarah Lawless Kavanagh. Sarah talks about her journey from physical and mental health struggles to the empowerment she has discovered through health and fitness. Sarah is now a personal trainer and nutritionist and owner of SLK Coaching, where she helps others discover this same empowerment. We talk about: -career change -mental health -her transformation journey -training -routine -journaling -female health -hormone health -PCOS If you'd like to reach...
Published 05/22/24
Want to reduce body fat and burn calories more efficiently? This is literally the goal for most people. The reason why most people don't achieve this goal is because they are missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. The missing puzzle piece? Strength training. In this episode, I go through all of the reasons why strength training is not only a good idea, but pretty essential. I also explain what we are trying to do when resistance training and how to do this effectively. I hope this episode...
Published 05/14/24
In today's episode, I chat with Emma Currivan. Emma is a bodybuilder and online coach. She is owner of Excellence with Emma coaching and host of her own podcast 'Your Gym Big Sister'. I love Emma's logical approach to everything. We chat about: -tracking -protein -meal planning -her own journey -bodybuilding -dieting vs gaining phases -my journey And everything in between! I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did! And if you'd like to connect with Emma,  you will find...
Published 05/07/24
In this episode I run through how to set big goals with confidence, and then break them down into more manageable steps so that you can take action. Goals without action are just dreams, but you have the ability to make your dreams come true - all you need is some self-belief and clear, actionable steps. Too simple to be true? Have a listen and let me know! Music by LiQWYD Free download: hypeddit.com/link/xxtopb [http://hypeddit.com/link/xxtopb] Promoted by FreeMusicPromo  ...
Published 04/30/24
There's nothing worse than when you have tracked everything all week and you don't seem to be making any progress. This could be down to your accuracy when tracking. It is SO IMPORTANT that whatever you are putting into My Fitness Pal is the exact same as what you are putting into your mouth.. otherwise you could be off by 100's of calories.. and over the week, this can make a huge difference! So here are a few tips to keep you as accurate as possible... Music by LiQWYD Free download:...
Published 04/17/24
In this episode I explore the common red flags to look out for when choosing the best path for you to take to reach your fat-loss, health and fitness goals. I share some of my experiences and stupid mistakes and what I've learned along the way. I also give my opinion on what the best road to take with nutrition is, if overall health is important to you. Music by LiQWYD Free download: hypeddit.com/link/xxtopb [http://hypeddit.com/link/xxtopb] Promoted by FreeMusicPromo  ...
Published 04/03/24
In this episode I dive into the topic of sleep and it's importance when it comes to losing bodyfat.  In my opinion, getting a good night's sleep is THE most important piece of the puzzle when it comes to reaching your goals and maintaining your results.  Not only do I go through WHY sleep is so important for fat loss, I also share some practical tips for improving your sleep routine and the quality of your sleep. I hope you enjoy and find this helpful, and if you do, please share with...
Published 02/15/24
This is a part 2 episode with life coach Kelly Hunt. We chat about: -living in Australia vs Ireland -happiness and values -Seasonal Affective Disorder -creating space for ourselves -the 5 love languages -relationships -attachment styles This is a must-listen and might just save you a fortune in couples therapy! Lol!
Published 02/08/24
In this episode I chat with Natalie Gilray, aka The Laughter Lassie. She is owner of her own business Lighten the Load, where she runs laughter yoga classes and is also a life coach and organisational specialist. We talk about: -her struggle from abusive relationship to single mother working as a social worker -laughter yoga and what it's all about -the benefits of and science behind laughter -parenting -success, manifesting and the Law of Attraction -stress management and bringing...
Published 02/01/24
Kellie is an online coach and owner of Kellie Fennell Fitness. Kellie is all about making fat loss doable for everyone and making it sustainable. No more quick fixes! Kellie is a fountain of knowledge and extremely passionate about what she does. We chat about: -mindset and identity -relationship with food -fear of failure -making sure your goals are YOUR goals -negativity -practical fat loss tips -how to manage everything as a busy parent -habits, discipline and showing up for...
Published 01/11/24
Have you got loads of questions about the ins and outs of being in a calorie deficit? Then look no further! You will find everything that you need within this episode. Dave is an online coach and owner of Fell Fitness. In this episode we dive deep into the ins and outs of dieting and he asks me a lot of questions about my recent calorie deficit too.  Dave is all about making health and fitness accessible to everyone and regularly shares unreal recipes.  You can check him out on Instagram:...
Published 01/04/24
This is another part 2 episode. Gilly was my first ever guest on the podcast nearly a year and a half ago now, so we were well due a part 2. You'll find part 1 as episode 10, I think! Gilly is a yoga teacher and all round amazing person with such a kind and gentle demeanor and outlook on life. We chat about: -confidence and body positivity -perfectionism and comparison and how they are the thief of joy -the 7 chakras -how to raise our energy -the 8 limbs of yoga and the yoga sutras,...
Published 12/14/23
If you are feeling a bit anxious about Christmas rapidly approaching and all of the disruption it may cause to your fat loss journey, then look no further!  This episode will give you all of the tools to be able to relax, enjoy Christmas, but also protect your progress and feel amazing the whole time! Website: katehamiltonhealth.com  Instagram: @katehamiltonhealth Facebook: @katehamiltonhealthpt TikTok: @katehamiltonhealth Music by LiQWYD Free download: hypeddit.com/link/xxtopb...
Published 12/09/23
Matt is a mental health life coach and mental health first aider. In this episode we talk about his battle with anxiety, his breakdown and how close he came to suicide. This conversation is very solution orientated and all about what we can do to improve the state of men's mental health and mental health in general. We also have a little conversation around medication vs therapy, both speaking from our own, very different, experiences and we discuss the pressures in today's society that are...
Published 12/07/23
Carol is a self-love mentor who has a background in the beauty industry. A few years ago, she decided to make the switch from focusing her work on external beauty to the beauty within. Carol is one of the most positive people I've ever spoken to - but in a very real way and she has had her fair share of struggles. We discuss: -divorce, grief and how to prioritise yourself through this -parenting -gratitude, journalling and meditation -connection with self and how empowering this is to...
Published 11/30/23
Beatrice is an online personal trainer and nutrition coach. She is in her 50's and is an absolute inspiration. How she lives her life is proof that we can't use age as an excuse.. our habits create our reality! Not only do we discuss menopause symptoms, but we also discuss what we can do to prepare and how we can improve our symptoms with our lifestyle. This conversation is a refreshingly positive narrative on the subject of menopause and you will be left feeling so empowered afterwards!...
Published 11/23/23
Michelle is an online coach with over 20 years experience in the fitness industry. She suffered a major health issue 3 years ago, which resulted in having to have open brain surgery and months of rehab and recovery. Michelle's mindset is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Her strength and resilience is truly inspiring. Michelle is all about health, mindset and resilience and instilling these values in her clients. This is a not to be missed episode that everyone will feel inspired after...
Published 11/16/23
Lisa is an online coach and secondary school teacher, so I really felt like I could relate to her and how she is managing to balance everything!  Lisa has such a mature and sensible outlook on fitness and nutrition, which it just so refreshing! We chat about: -how teaching skills really transfer over to coaching -fitness, nutrition and health for teenagers -fitness in general and CrossFit -nutrition and food quality -unhealthy binge eating habits -the pros and cons of her photo...
Published 11/09/23
In this episode I chat with Sean Hammond, who is an Irish travel influencer who is currently travelling the world. He has spent time in Thailand, the Phillipines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia and god knows where he will go next! We chat about: -the reality of content creation when travelling -social media -mindset, fear and pain -travel tips -his hospital stay in Malaysia when he needed surgery after a venomous bite -safety and solo travelling -his favourite place so far -poverty...
Published 10/31/23
In this week's episode I chat with the wonderful Lauren Scully.  Lauren is an online coach and owner of Lean with Lauren, her coaching business. There is so much to take from this conversation, particularly in relation to binge eating. We talk about everything from nutrition, to healthy habits, to the weighing scales, to binge eating and body dysmorphia and how she overcame her struggles. If you'd like to connect with Lauren, you will find her on Instagram @laurenscullyspt Music by...
Published 10/24/23