Have you wished for a better night sleep recently? I sure have. Since recording this episode my sleep has actually gone downhill fast. I need this info just as much as many of you listeners do! Morgan Adams, a sleep coach, shares with us the best sleep trackers, some dangers of sleeping pills, the technique she uses to improve her clients sleep and 3 actionable tools for you to start sleeping better right away!  More from Well with Lisa: Join the Group Coaching Program Waitlist HEREYour Go-To...
Published 01/10/24
Instead of just the “ins and outs” of 2024, let’s take it another step.  Let’s talk about what you want to keep doing as well!  In this episode, I share what I want to START doing this year, what I want to STOP doing and what I want to KEEP doing.  You can get an idea of what I want to work on for myself this year–I’m definitely not perfect at this health and wellness life yet either! You’ll also learn what I want to start doing this year, and what I’d like to stop doing and what I think I’m...
Published 01/03/24
What is a “last supper?”  It's those meals you think you need to have before “going on a diet.” It’s all the things you think you need to eat before they are “off limits” after the New Year.  This is not necessary and I’m going to tell you why in this episode!  Here’s what to expect: What are the thoughts keeping you in scarcity mode before New years? What tool you can use right now to prevent the "last supper" idea from happening. And how to recognize if you are “over-nourished.” Back to...
Published 12/27/23
Rucking is simply carrying weight for distance.  Sounds simple. Why is it the new fitness craze? And why would we want to put backpacks on just to walk around our own neighborhoods?  Steph Gaudreau, sports nutritionist,  lifting coach and international speaker, joins me today to discuss this sport/exercise and all the reasons why it’s beneficial for women to incorporate it.  We also talk about the equipment needed and what weight to start with.  Free Get UNSTUCK Sessions available through the...
Published 12/20/23
FEEL is a verb here. I want to teach you how to FEEL better (or in other words experience your emotions better)  so that you can feel better in your body and brain! Listen in as I discuss my favorite quote from Shonda Rhimes in her book “Year of Yes” about how food works to soothe emotions and what to do about that.  I also give you a simple idea you can do that has been shown in studies to improve mental health markers.  Here’s all the stuff I mentioned in the episode: Download your (super...
Published 12/13/23
One of the most common reasons my clients give me for having bad weeks? Their periods. You’re not alone. You’re not the only one that wants to crawl in a dark cave and bring all the chocolate with you.  Ashlee Sorensen is a certified menstrual and hormone coach and an absolute delight to talk with! She lays out the multiple parts of our cycles and talks about the challenges of each one and gives us tips to get started managing and preparing for better periods.   Ashlee is offering a discount...
Published 12/06/23
Why would you bother to start losing weight now? Seems like there’s too much going on with the holidays and parties and you’re busy right? Not so fast. Listen to this episode where I give you 5 reasons why now, with 5 weeks to go in 2023 is the perfect time to start. And why it might even be detrimental to wait till the new year. Be sure to listen to last year’s holiday episode for more help around this time of year 6 Tips to Handle the Holidays [Ep. 15] LISTEN HERE UPDATE! Free Get...
Published 11/29/23
Getting ahead with meal prepping is never a bad idea. But it can often seem overwhelming when you see all those containers of chicken and rice and vegetable–not to mention boring to eat the same leftovers all week long.  Enter Amy Lawrence and her Gourmet Done Skinny method! You’ll learn her tricks and tips for getting ahead in the kitchen and how utilizing some unique tools, plus your freezer can really help. Her book is actually the title of this podcast: The Power of Food Prep. I’ve been...
Published 11/22/23
Whether you have diagnosed ADHD, or you just find your mind wandering and you can’t seem to focus on healthy meals, this episode is for you. My guest Gaia Broda gives us 4 specific tips to create ease in the kitchen and lighten the mental load around what to have for supper!  UPDATE! Free Get UNSTUCK Sessions now available through the end of 2023! If you haven’t lost your first 5 pounds just by listening to the podcast, you might be stuck. I’ve created this new free session just for...
Published 11/15/23
Is it binging or is it overeating? Language matters and the way we talk to ourselves and about the food we eat is critical. Krista is a binge eating coach and helps us dive into what exactly binging and binge eating disorder is and how it is different from overeating.  You may find that you occasionally binge, but you don’t have binge eating disorder. Krista identifies these patterns and we discuss ways to interrupt your binge cycles. Does dieting or trying to lose weight always end up in a...
Published 11/08/23
You don’t have to want to. You just have to do it.  Have you ever heard me say this? It doesn't really sound very nice or compassionate or even possible.  Today I’m going to show you what that phrase really means, how it’s even possible and how it can help you stay true to your goals.  NEW! Free Get UNSTUCK Session  If you haven’t lost your first 5 pounds just by listening to the podcast, you might be stuck. I’ve created this new free session just for you! Schedule yours  HERE I’m doing 10...
Published 11/01/23
NEW! Free Get UNSTUCK Session If you haven’t lost your first 5 pounds just by listening to the podcast, you might be stuck. I’ve created this new free session just for you! Schedule yours  HERE I’m doing these sessions only for the next 4 weeks. Once all 10 are booked the available times will disappear. So it might look like there are lots available, but once that 10th one is scheduled all the open spots will go away.  The Live Well pillar of the podcast is finally getting some love!...
Published 10/25/23
This is the third installment of the back to basics series  in October. You’re probably thinking October 1 marks the beginning of the holiday season and you wouldn’t be alone. You might also be thinking well I didn’t lose weight again this year, I guess I'll just wait till the new year. But it doesn't have to be that way. The Back to Basics series will teach you the fundamentals of losing weight anytime and anywhere, regardless of what season it is. The third basic is Cravings and What To...
Published 10/18/23
This is the second installment of the back to basics series  in October. You’re probably thinking October 1 marks the beginning of the holiday season and you wouldn’t be alone. You might also be thinking well I didn’t lose weight again this year, I guess I'll just wait till the new year. But it doesn't have to be that way. The Back to Basics series will teach you the fundamentals of losing weight anytime and anywhere, regardless of what season it is.  The second basic is the 24 Hour Practical...
Published 10/11/23
Welcome to the first of the back to basics series I'm going to be doing in October. You’re probably thinking October 1 marks the beginning of the holiday season and you wouldn’t be alone. You might also be thinking well I didn’t lose weight again this year, I guess I'll just wait till the new year. But it doesn't have to be that way. The Back to Basics series will teach you the fundamentals of losing weight anytime and anywhere, regardless of what season it is.  The first basic is the Hunger...
Published 10/04/23
Do you know where your “second brain” is? It’s in the gut!  But what does that even mean? Jaime Filer and I discuss the gut brain connection in this episode and several of the neurotransmitters and how to support them. You’ll hear several ways to increase your dopamine and serotonin production capabilities in gut. Most are the simple health behaviors you probably are already trying to implement! This is just one more reason that you’ll want to do the things I’m always talking about! Hint: we...
Published 09/27/23
Did you know that lofty goals are more likely to be achieved than super easy goals?  Yes your brain likes, and needs challenge. But how do you know if it’s too much? Or in my words. . . What is your Rate of Perceived Exertion with your goal efforts?   I’m going to teach you how to use the Rate of Perceived Exertion scale we typically use in relation to exercise exertion in our goal efforts. Are you trying to lose weight? Do you have goals about eliminating your overeating at night? These are...
Published 09/20/23
Habits are something we all are trying to improve right? But how exactly is that done? And how is it different for women? Emily Nichols is the expert on habits and she joined me today for an overview of her 5 Step Habit Change Method. I show you how to connect this habit work with the model and then dive into how we can habit stack, the cue,  routine, reward cycle and time it takes to acquire a new habit.  If this episode, or any past episodes have helped you in any way, please consider...
Published 09/13/23
Do you live in a fire prone area? If so, you’ve probably heard the term defensible space. It’s the safe space we create around our homes to prevent the fires from moving quickly to the structures and overtaking our homes.  In the same way, I want to teach you how to create defensible space in your life around stress.  When we can fortify ourselves for stressful events that will come, we will be much better prepared.  This includes not only participating in your favorite well being activities...
Published 09/06/23
Brandon Eastman from the Be Better Broadcast interviewed me a couple weeks ago for his podcast and he did such an amazing job I thought it would be fun to publish that interview here on the Eat Well, Think Well, Live Well podcast.  I shocked and surprised Brandon with some of my answers to his questions, even though he is a  coach and someone interested and invested in his own health as well.  Brandon did an amazing job of pulling out my highlight reel! He really let me talk about all my...
Published 08/30/23
Do you worry about getting hungry? Does it make you nervous to leave the house without snacks because you *might* get hungry before you get back? Usually you just eat in these situations right? Go ahead and have a snack so you won’t get hungry later.  This is preventative eating.  We do it to prevent ourselves from being uncomfortable later. But instead we make ourselves uncomfortable now by overeating.  In this episode I discuss several reasons why we might be preventive eating and ways we...
Published 08/23/23
Are you overweight? Or just undermuscled?  This is a new way to look at our body composition that has nothing to do with the scale. Take a look at how much muscle you have–and you can do that by assessing your strength in daily activities.  Jana tells us in this episode of a 60 year old client who wasn’t able to pick up her first grandchild out of the cot. This is a heartbreaking lack of function.  What can we do about it? We can strength train. Jana shares multiple ways to do this and some...
Published 08/16/23
NEW! Free food planning session! Only 10 spots available in the next 4 weeks. But when they’re gone, they’re gone! I know you struggle with deciding what to eat–let me help. You’ll leave this free 50 minute, 1:1 session with a plan of exactly what to eat to start losing weight.  SCHEDULE HERE! Your brain lies to you. Did you know this? Often your brain will lie to you, and it’s usually to get you to eat more, so that the dopamine will keep on flowing!!  But these lies are not helpful to your...
Published 08/09/23
One year of podcast episodes deserved a very special guest and Jody Moore agreed to celebrate with me by sharing in her own words lessons she has taught me over the years of coaching.  I’ve been coached by several amazing women, but none has been as impactful as Jody. I wanted her to teach you some of the tools and concepts that I use in my everyday life as well as with my clients.  Listen in as we discuss disappointment, body love, relationship with self, transitions, and why “I don’t know”...
Published 08/02/23
How’d you sleep last night? If it wasn’t great, do you notice how it’s affecting you today? Sleep is often the missing link in your weight loss efforts. We sometimes don't even consciously realize that our poor sleep is affecting us, we just wonder why we can’t seem to stop craving cookies!  Robynn and I discuss the links between sleep and hunger hormones as well as exercise and memory. Plus she gives helpful tips on how to start a better sleep routine!  More from Well with Lisa: Join the...
Published 07/26/23