Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Bratislavský Hrad: Beyond Legends and Ghosts Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-10-28-22-34-02-sk Story Transcript: Sk: Pod zlatými listami jesenného stromu, Bratislavský hrad stál majestátne. En: Under the golden leaves of the autumn tree, Bratislavský hrad stood majestically. Sk: Vietor jemne fúkal cez jeho kamenné steny. En: The wind gently blew through its stone walls. Sk: Ján, mladý...
Published 10/28/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Autumn Triumph: A Team's Last-Minute Victory Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/autumn-triumph-a-teams-last-minute-victory Story Transcript: Sk: Bratislava sa prebúdzala do krásneho jesenného rána. En: Bratislava was awakening to a beautiful autumn morning. Sk: Listy na stromoch pred historickými budovami sa farbili do zlatista. En: The leaves on the trees in front of the historical buildings were turning golden. Sk:...
Published 10/27/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Snowbound Synergy: A Team's Perfect Balance of Work and Fun Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/snowbound-synergy-a-teams-perfect-balance-of-work-and-fun Story Transcript: Sk: V kaviarni na okraji Komunitnej Dedinky blízko Vysokých Tatier bolo útulne. En: In the káviarni on the edge of the Komunitnej Dedinky near the Vysokých Tatier, it was cozy. Sk: Vo vzduchu voňala čerstvá káva a teplé pečivo, zatiaľ čo v diaľke sa...
Published 10/26/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Beyond the Trail: Marek's Journey to Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/beyond-the-trail-mareks-journey-to-friendship Story Transcript: Sk: Bola jeseň a každý počul šuchot suchých listov pod nohami. En: It was autumn, and everyone could hear the crunch of dry leaves underfoot. Sk: Internátna škola bola obklopená nádhernou farebnou krajinou. En: The boarding school was surrounded by a beautiful colorful...
Published 10/25/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Embracing Lapland: Viktor's Journey into Sámi Culture Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/embracing-lapland-viktors-journey-into-sami-culture Story Transcript: Sk: V teplej jeseni, keď lístie sfarbilo do zlatej a červenej, Viktor cestoval na sever. En: In the warm autumn, when the leaves turned golden and red, Viktor traveled north. Sk: Jeho cieľom bola malá osada v Laponsku, kde žila komunita Sámi. En: His destination...
Published 10/24/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Sweet Trick: How Marek Got His Pumpkin Pie Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/the-sweet-trick-how-marek-got-his-pumpkin-pie Story Transcript: Sk: Vôňa škorice a teplého jablkového koláča sa nesla domom. En: The scent of cinnamon and warm apple pie wafted through the house. Sk: Všetci sa zhromaždili v útulnom dome, pripravení na rodinnú večeru. En: Everyone gathered in the cozy home, ready for a family dinner. Sk:...
Published 10/23/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets of the Tatry: Marek's Mountain Adventure Unfolds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/secrets-of-the-tatry-mareks-mountain-adventure-unfolds Story Transcript: Sk: Marek s očami plnými zvedavosti kráčal po úzkej cestičke v Tatrách. En: Marek with eyes full of curiosity walked along the narrow path in the Tatry mountains. Sk: Bol krásny jesenný deň, slnko svietilo cez farebné listy a vzduch bol chladný a...
Published 10/22/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Reuniting Hearts Amidst the Tatry: A Journey of Change Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/reuniting-hearts-amidst-the-tatry-a-journey-of-change Story Transcript: Sk: Marek stál na začiatku chodníka, ktorý sa vinie cez majestátne Tatry. En: Marek stood at the beginning of the path that winds through the majestic Tatry. Sk: Vzduch bol chladný, svieži a nesúci sľub nových začiatkov. En: The air was cold, fresh, and...
Published 10/21/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Rebuilding Bonds: A Reunion at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/rebuilding-bonds-a-reunion-at-bratislava-castle Story Transcript: Sk: Jakub stál pred Bratislavským hradom a pozoroval jeho majestátne veže. En: Jakub stood in front of Bratislavský hrad ( Bratislava Castle ) and observed its majestic towers. Sk: Okolo neho padali farebné listy a jemný vietor ho privítal po dlhých rokoch. En: Around...
Published 10/20/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Apocalypse Under Orange Skies: A Tale of Hope and Survival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/apocalypse-under-orange-skies-a-tale-of-hope-and-survival Story Transcript: Sk: Pod krvavými oranžovými oblakmi sa svet zdá byť prázdny. En: Under the bloody orange clouds, the world seems empty. Sk: Vietor fúka chladne po zemi pokrytej sušenými lístkami. En: The wind blows coldly over the ground covered with dried...
Published 10/19/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Autumn's Brushstrokes: Courage, Heartbreak, and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/autumns-brushstrokes-courage-heartbreak-and-new-beginnings Story Transcript: Sk: Na námestí Starého Mesta v Bratislave bolo rušno. En: It was bustling in the Starého Mesta Square in Bratislava. Sk: Listy padali ako farebné závoje, tanečne šelestiac pod nohami. En: Leaves were falling like colorful veils, rustling playfully...
Published 10/18/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mystery Unveiled: The Hidden Passage of Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/mystery-unveiled-the-hidden-passage-of-bratislava-castle Story Transcript: Sk: Pod jesenným plášťom zlato a červeno zafarbených listov, Bratislavský hrad strážil rieku Dunaj. En: Under the autumn cloak of gold and red-colored leaves, Bratislavský hrad watched over the Dunaj River. Sk: Jeho mohutné veže sa týčili nad mestom ako...
Published 10/17/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Embracing Memory: A Stormy Trek Through Tatry's Autumn Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/embracing-memory-a-stormy-trek-through-tatrys-autumn Story Transcript: Sk: V Tatrách je jeseň nádherná. En: In the Tatry, autumn is beautiful. Sk: Farebné listy padajú na zem a zlaté svetlo preniká cez vetvy stromov. En: Colorful leaves fall to the ground, and golden light filters through the branches of the trees. Sk: Marek a...
Published 10/16/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Secrets: The Mystery of the 1980s Yearbook Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/unveiling-secrets-the-mystery-of-the-1980s-yearbook Story Transcript: Sk: V Martine na Strednej škole viedol málo kto k štúdiu s takým nadšením ako Marek. En: In Martin, at the high school, few led their studies with as much enthusiasm as Marek. Sk: Marek miloval históriu, záhady a knihy. En: Marek loved history, mysteries, and...
Published 10/15/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Harmony in Bratislava's Bustling Markets Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/finding-harmony-in-bratislavas-bustling-markets Story Transcript: Sk: Na trhoch Bratislavy je vždy rušno. En: The markets of Bratislava are always bustling. Sk: Jeseň farbí mesto do teplých odtieňov oranžovej a červenej. En: Autumn paints the city in warm shades of orange and red. Sk: Všade je cítiť vôňu pečených gaštanov a varenej...
Published 10/14/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Silent Awakening: Marek's Journey to Rediscover Art Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/silent-awakening-mareks-journey-to-rediscover-art Story Transcript: Sk: Marek stál pred veľkými dverami Slovenskej národnej galérie. En: Marek stood in front of the large doors of the Slovenská národná galéria (Slovak National Gallery). Sk: Jeseň obalila Bratislavu do teplých oranžových a žltých tónov, ktoré mu zahriali dušu. En:...
Published 10/13/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Her Voice: A Daughter's First Vote Amid Family Traditions Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/finding-her-voice-a-daughters-first-vote-amid-family-traditions Story Transcript: Sk: Začiatkom októbra svieži vzduch naplnil park pred komunitným centrom. En: At the beginning of October, fresh air filled the park in front of the community center. Sk: Stromy sa pomaly zbavovali svojich farebných listov, ktoré ticho...
Published 10/12/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Whispers and Wins: The Poker Mystery at Pod Dubom Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/whispers-and-wins-the-poker-mystery-at-pod-dubom Story Transcript: Sk: V jesennej Bratislave sa pub “Pod Dubom” stával útočiskom mnohých ľudí. En: In autumnal Bratislava, the pub "Pod Dubom" became a refuge for many people. Sk: Vonku šuchotalo lístie a v diaľke bolo počuť dunivý zvuk padajúceho dažďa. En: Outside, the leaves rustled...
Published 10/11/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Autumn Symphony: Crafting Nature's Canvas Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/mareks-autumn-symphony-crafting-natures-canvas Story Transcript: Sk: Vo vzduchu bolo cítiť jemný chlad jesene, keď Marek kráčal cez záhrady komunity v Tatrách. En: There was a gentle chill of autumn in the air as Marek walked through the community gardens in the Tatras. Sk: Stromy tu, v objatí hôr, tvorili čarovnú scénu všetkými...
Published 10/09/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Delays to Triumph: Marek's Parisian Business Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/from-delays-to-triumph-mareks-parisian-business-adventure Story Transcript: Sk: Marek sedel na tvrdej lavičke v letisku Bratislava. En: Marek sat on the hard bench in letisko Bratislava. Sk: Bol jeseň, vietor vonku fúkal listy okolo a obloha bola sivá. En: It was autumn, the wind outside blew leaves around, and the sky was...
Published 10/08/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Llama Journey: Embracing the Unexpected at Machu Picchu Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/llama-journey-embracing-the-unexpected-at-machu-picchu Story Transcript: Sk: Vo vzduchu sa vznášala jemná vôňa jari. En: The air was filled with a gentle scent of spring. Sk: Machu Picchu stálo hrdé a tajomné medzi oblakmi na vrchole Ánd. En: Machu Picchu stood proud and mysterious among the clouds atop the Andes. Sk: Marek a...
Published 10/07/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Hidden Heirlooms of Bratislavský Hrad Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/the-hidden-heirlooms-of-bratislavsky-hrad Story Transcript: Sk: Na jeseň, keď lístie pokrývalo zem farbami oranžovej a červenej, Bratislavský hrad majestátne trónil na kopci. En: In the autumn, when the leaves covered the ground with shades of orange and red, Bratislavský hrad majestically sat on the hill. Sk: Dunaj tiekol pokojne pod ním a...
Published 10/06/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Dizzying Truths: Unraveling Mysteries in an Artful World Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/dizzying-truths-unraveling-mysteries-in-an-artful-world Story Transcript: Sk: Marek a Zuzana sa pohybovali medzi umeleckými dielami v nádhernom prostredí múzea Danubiana Meulensteen. En: Marek and Zuzana moved among the artworks in the beautiful surroundings of the Danubiana Meulensteen museum. Sk: Svetlo jesenného popoludnia...
Published 10/05/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Freedom: An Architect's Journey in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/finding-freedom-an-architects-journey-in-bratislava Story Transcript: Sk: Jana sa prechádzala po uliciach Bratislavy, každým krokom bližšie k svojmu cieľu. En: Jana walked through the streets of Bratislava, with each step bringing her closer to her destination. Sk: Vzduch bol chladný, ale svieži, a lístie žiarilo farbami...
Published 10/04/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Chaos and Charm: The Squirrel That Sparked Creativity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/chaos-and-charm-the-squirrel-that-sparked-creativity Story Transcript: Sk: V strede jesene sa v jednej strednej škole v Bratislave konala súťaž o najlepšiu jesennú výzdobu triedy. En: In the middle of autumn, a competition for the best autumn classroom decoration was held at a middle school in Bratislava. Sk: Marek, Jana a Lukáš sa...
Published 10/03/24