Scaling a consumer packaged goods (CPG) business is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. There are so many options on how you can go-to-market and they all look shiny, delicious and different. But, what are the real opportunities? And the real pitfalls? There are more than 20,000 new food and drink products launched every year and the go-to-market strategy for each can just be like choosing a goodie from a mixed box of chocolates, too much choice, unless you know...
Published 06/05/24
Published 06/05/24
What happens when you’re not from the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, you’ve managed to bag $1M dollars in investment (I know right!) and you want to scale a big food business? You move to the other side of the world and participate in an accelerator program, lean heavily into everything you can learn and source as many contacts you can to grow your business fast and go on to land 200 retailers in just 12 months.That’s what happened to Veronica Fil, former CEO of Grounded Foods Co. an...
Published 05/28/24
Buyers inside the Pitch Hub at Foodpreneurs Festival told me what brands and products they really loved and wanted to see more of. Would you like to know what they told me? How handy would it be for you to understand why some brands were chosen, by the buyers, to pitch and others weren’t?Now you can. In this episode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast, I invited Brent Vrdoljak and Mia Van Tubbergh to talk with me immediately following Foodpreneurs Festival 2024. Brent, a marke...
Published 05/21/24
According to Warren Spence, founder Motor, a brand design agency and my guest in this episode, the modern world is as fast as a Japanese bullet train and our generation is fixated on digital media content. Let’s just say, according to Warren, that visual communication is a little out of control, mainly because of social media but it will only get faster. Supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers stock thousands of brands that create visual noise. Products are competing fiercely so to cut t...
Published 05/06/24
Want to know all the steps to develop a food or drink packaged product for commercial scale? Want to bring a product from overseas and launch it in your local market? How about trying to get ahead of the food trends and launch a product before anyone else does?All these questions and more are answered in this episode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast where I chat to food scientist and entrepreneur, Naishad Dalal from Food Entrepreneurship Academy. Naishad has launched over 110 products...
Published 05/01/24
Are you scaling your food, drink or pet treat brand and have taken time to think about how to get stocked into all the stores you’ve successfully landed? What about how much it’s costing you to store inventory rather than landing it on the retail shelf? Or how much each carton is costing you to deliver so you can work out what your precise CLOGS are?You quite possibly haven’t!!! Supply chain is not the first thing Foodpreneurs think about as they’re making amazing products. Well… that is unti...
Published 04/23/24
What should your sales script be when you get a ‘no, yes, or maybe’ response from a buyer?   In this episode I speak with sales superstar, Mia Van Tubbergh from Elm Professional, and she tells you.   For each reply, Mia says, there’s a response that you can have prepared, even if you’re not sure what they’re going to say, because sales is a predictable cycle. A Foodpreneur just needs to get to know the steps.   Listen to this episode and walk away knowing:    💸 what to say in response to any...
Published 04/17/24
Getting product off the shelf and into more consumers’ baskets requires knowledge of what your consumer responds to, and what turns them off. Finding that out can be hard.    In this episode I speak with Sally Breden, Managing Director of The VGood Company, a busy working mum with brand management and product development expertise who launched VGood pea-not spreads to bring to life a dream of making healthier options more delicious and accessible to more people.     Sally knows how to...
Published 04/10/24
Do you know you can get money back in your pocket for all your hard work crafting delicious new products, experimenting with exciting ingredients, or streamlining your production process?   All those research and development (R&D) efforts could translate into government funding. It's like getting paid to create!   In this episode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast, I chat with with head of manufacturing and R&D tax incentive expert Jessica Olivier from RSM business advisory....
Published 04/03/24
The first 90 days after your product lands on the supermarket shelf are crucial to your long-term ability to keep it there. Setting up your rate of sale to continually improve will avoid the risk of your product being delisted. One of the fundamentals of getting this right is by ensuring your first promotional plan doesn’t sit outside of what else you’re doing. In fact it should complement your existing activities and tie back to your overarching business strategy. Strategy should never...
Published 03/27/24
Many food and drink founders dream of landing their product on the shelves of the major supermarkets. But why do they make it so hard for Foodpreneurs to do so? In this episode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast, I chat with Allen Roberts, a former FMCG senior executive with food giants like Vegetable Oils which became Goodman Fielder, Cerebos the makers of Fountain Tomato Sauce and Dairy Farmers.  Allen and I talk about the big issues for small brands when working with the majors...
Published 03/20/24
You might be a small business but that doesn’t mean you have to spend more than you earn. There might be a constant list of activities on your ‘to do list’, all seemingly urgent to keep your business afloat, but what are the things that are the most important that will put more money in your pocket, and not more money in the pockets of retailers or distributors? In this 100th episode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast, I outline six ways for consumer packaged goods businesses to be...
Published 03/13/24
Many food and drink founders dream of taking their brand global. But where do you start, what does it take and what are the challenges that come with expanding into international markets? In this episode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast, I chat with Kathryn Bricken, founder of Doughlicious - the London Dough Company. Kathryn shares the secrets behind scaling her cookie dough empire in just a few short years. We explore her journey from a London factory to landing on shelves in some...
Published 03/06/24
Many small packaged food and drink businesses see PR as complex, ill-defined, or expensive. But what if it could be simple, affordable, and highly effective? In this 2nd Anniversary episode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast, I explore the power of PR for Foodpreneurs. Join me as I chat with PR expert Celia Harding, who's worked with both major brands including Smirnoff, and boutique favourites like Mr Black Coffee Liqueur. Celia breaks down insider tips and tools to get your brand...
Published 02/28/24
The world's top business leaders know the secret ingredient for scaling success: people. Not just employees, but a powerful network of mentors, allies, and even family. In these turbulent times, going it alone limits your growth potential. That's why in this 2nd Anniversary episode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast,  Episode 97: Behind the Scenes Look of what it Actually Takes to Scale, Scott Mendelsohn, the people-first powerhouse behind Australia's Raw C and Lesser Evil brands,...
Published 02/21/24
Forget the fantasy of buyers begging for your product. In the real world of packaged food and drink, thousands of brands are vying for limited shelf space. To stand out and get noticed, you need a strategic game plan. In this 2nd Anniversary episode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford, I talk with RangeMe founder, Nicky Jackson, the queen of connecting suppliers with retailers. Nicki spills the beans on how to crush the buyer game and land more accounts. Get ready for insider tips and tricks...
Published 02/14/24
Picture this, you’ve just launched a food brand with no FMCG experience, producing in a saturated market from your garage in a local town. Fast forward four years, and that brand is now a household name, generating millions in revenue, selling nationally and internationally, and self-manufacturing not only your product but others as well. It may sound like a dream, but it's the reality for Cian Dawson and Courtney Brown, co-founders of GYM BOD – a better-for-you ice cream brand that has...
Published 02/07/24
In the competitive world of packaged food and drink, your brand and packaging are your megaphone, your spotlight, your key to conquering the aisles, landing on more shelves and building loyal customers. In this 2nd Anniversary epsiode of Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast, I chat with with design experts Bex Deere and Nat Townsend from Griffin Grace. They've helped countless challenger brands in the food and beverage space cut through all the visual noise on shelves, and they're here to...
Published 01/31/24
Knowing what trends are happening in your industry is a smart way to find out how to not just stay on top of what’s happening, but ahead of it; differentiating yourself from a lot of the competition while doing so. Brands that don’t evolve, get left behind. It’s not about jumping on every new trend that comes along or creating a new product to meet every consumer’s demand. It’s about being in the know, staying attuned to consumer trends, and knowing which of these trends align with your...
Published 01/25/24
2023 was for many, a shock to the system. A steep change in consumer behaviour relative to previous years. We heard ‘cost of living crisis’ mentioned continually on the news. But was it all bad for emerging food and drink consumer packaged good brands?  Absolutely not.  In this week’s Foodpreneur with Chelsea Ford podcast episode, the final for 2023, I review what the landscape was like for startups and emerging brands and help you prepare to make more sales in 2024.  Becoming aware of the...
Published 12/24/23
Navigating social media as a brand owner is like wielding a double-edged sword. Master it, and you're on the path to becoming a household name, raking in sales through heightened social awareness. Misstep and you might find yourself pouring heaps of time into creating content that goes unnoticed or fails to captivate. Add the ever-evolving landscape of multiple platforms to the mix, and the challenge to stay on top of and adapt to constant changes becomes a wild (and exhausting!) ride. My...
Published 12/06/23
We are now two-thirds of the way through the ‘golden quarter’ – typically retail's most profitable period. But from what I’m hearing, it hasn’t been terribly ‘golden’ for many. Weekly I encounter food and beverage entrepreneurs facing challenges in profitably growing and scaling their food and drink businesses. After 30 years of industry experience, the reasons for their struggles are usually very clear to me. This is why this episode is all about putting more money in your pocket (not just...
Published 11/30/23
The ‘selling’ aspect of creating a packaged food and drink brand is often an afterthought for food or drink entrepreneurs; when really it should be second only to creating a top-notch product. Why? Beacause your brand story, ingredients or packaging won’t mean a thing if you can’t sell. Someone who knows the importance (and skill) of selling is Paul John Legaz, the founder of VinZero Drinks - premium non-alcoholic wine, beer and spirits sourced from around the world.  Paul has a background...
Published 11/22/23
Avoiding burnout poses a significant hurdle for food and beverage entrepreneurs. Limited resources often prevent them from hiring, leading to the common issue of stretching themselves too thin. This, in turn, hampers their business's ability to scale. If you’re like my latest podcast guests, who not only enjoy handpicking the fruit that goes into every single bottle of their product, but also engaging directly with customers, how do you then expand your business and bring your products to a...
Published 11/16/23