Y'all, this is one of my most favorite episodes. You HAVE to listen! Lindsay is amazing. She teaches us how to get quiet and really listen to our inner voice, to our soul. We were rapt listening to her. She takes us from the pure innocence of our childhood, through the formation of belief systems to arrive at current state, which may or may not be in our core truth. Lindsay gives people tools to come back to yourself. What is this true self? It's your intuition. In this episode, you'll...
Published 04/03/24
It's Springtime! This week on the podcast we take a break from intense subjects to talk about Spring! Spring is a time of rebirth, so we tackle all the things that can make you feel like a new person. We talk about warm weather, longer days,  blooming plants and buzzing bees, and the great things about these things and a few of the pitfalls! 00:00 Embracing outdoor dining during the pandemic. 03:23 Warmer temperatures mean shedding winter clothes happily. 07:44 Cautionary tale about staying...
Published 03/27/24
We are SO excited to welcome Lindsey Foreman, Family Nurse Practitioner, specializing in Functional Medicine  to the podcast today.  She is a gut and hormone health enthusiast/expert. Lindsey is a WEALTH of information and she shares a bunch of it today with us. This is the final segment in a 3-part series on belly fat, so we focus on how the gut microbiome affects belly fat and overall health. You may have heard before, that the gut is the center of health and Lindsey helps unpack why,...
Published 03/20/24
Belly Fat - Part 2 What do hormones have to do with belly fat? As it turns out, a lot! Join the Midlife Mommas this week as we explore the topic of belly fat in midlife. From drop in estrogen to the role insulin and cortisol play into the prevalent expanding midsection in midlife. This is a must listen. 00:00 Two dangerous kinds of belly fat explained. 04:52 Body composition scan reveals lean muscle and fat. 07:48 Chronic stress triggers fight or flight response. 10:44 Caffeine can cause...
Published 03/13/24
What is that spare tire around my middle?? Nobody likes belly fat. But what causes it? In this 3-part series, Cam and Amelia will explore this explosive and difficult topic. We talk about HOW midlife is different when it comes to belly fat. Why is this suddenly a problem and so difficult to get rid of? There are several elements that affect belly fat in midlife, and we will explore 1 topic each week for the next 3 weeks: Belly fat and exerciseBelly fat and hormonesBelly fat and gut healthEach...
Published 03/06/24
We all want great health, right? But what strategies do we utilize to get it? We know about exercise, eating healthfully, and taking supplements. But what if there were other things that could help?  Well, it turns out that there are other things that can help. In this episode, we talk about 'alternative' therapies, but as you'll learn, these aren't so alternative, and they're certainly not new. Join us as we talk about sauna, red light therapy, and cryotherapy. We let you know what these...
Published 02/28/24
We all know the feeling....3 o'clock rolls around and we are starving. What should you eat?? The easy answer is a bag of chips or package of cookies from the office vending machine, but what does that do to your blood sugar? Does it provide any nutrients? The short answer is that those types of snacks will satisfy the gnawing in your stomach, but a couple hours later, you're like to crash again. In this episode of the Midlife Mommas Cam and Amelia give you some tips on better ways to snack....
Published 02/21/24
00:00 Navigating changing relationships as children grow up. 05:14 People are threatened by what they don't understand. 06:41 Understand psychology, know your why, stick to conviction. 12:36 Focus on your vision despite distractions. 15:10 Importance of discussing choices and being open. 18:30 Finding support from like-minded individuals is crucial. 23:25 Woman's 2nd marriage struggles due to inactivity. 25:24 Becoming a good example for kids' health. 27:50 Question traditional beliefs, seek...
Published 02/14/24
The 80/20 rule - you've probably heard of it, but how do you apply it? Does it even work? In this episode of the Midlife Mommas Cam and Amelia give you some tactical tips to using the 80/20 rule to maintain focus and avoid burnout. 00:00 Focusing on valuable work in business. 04:39 Encourage outsourcing home tasks to save time. 07:15 Rotate wardrobe, use fitness clothes, avoid habits. 10:51 Struggling with health goals due to environment. 13:50 Stay on track, learn, reset, choose...
Published 02/07/24
You may be familiar with Heavy Metals from the context of lead poisoning in children. But did you know there are many others, and that exposure could be through pollution, food, dental fillings and cosmetics?? In this episode of the Midlife Mommas, Cam and Amelia explain what heavy metals are, what vital organ systems they affect, how to get tested for them, and the detox protocol that Cam is undergoing right now! If you've ever eaten fish, ever used cosmetics with pigment, or have any...
Published 01/31/24
What IS Beauty? Do you consider yourself beautiful? In this episode of the Midlife Mommas we explore Beauty in Midlife! You know Cam and Amelia, so you know this isn't simply about outward beauty. We explore how our vision of beauty was shaped by 70' and 80's culture (including diet culture), and how we have matured as women. We include brief discussions on diversity and how we continue to check our attitudes, and question our values around beauty. Take Heart! This isn't a convo about the...
Published 01/24/24
Who'd have thought you could 'crockpot' without an actual crockpot?? Today, Cam and Amelia use this term to talk about the process of allowing ideas to simmer. Do you ever have a great idea about: changing a habit?getting healthier?changing jobs?Then you either: A) decide that it's not for you (you are scared, you procrastinate, or decide it's dumb) B) fail to act C) jump in without thinking twice 'Crockpotting' is the idea of slowing down, of really carefully considering. It's NOT being...
Published 01/17/24
Did you know that some purported health trends can actually be bad for you? Yes, you heard that right! There is a plethora of health information out there. Much of it is good, based on scientific evidence. Other pieces of advice are not-so-good, based on theories and guesses. However, some things are good for some people and not for others. These 3 trends are either suggested to BE healthy OR, are things we unwittingly do because, well, for lack of a better word, we are ignorant. (I say this...
Published 01/10/24
00:00 Body's cortisol rises in morning, lowers later. 03:24 Light in the morning affects cortisol, melatonin. 08:39 Stress affects body: heart rate, digestion, energy. 12:29 Stress affects fertility and can harm pregnancy. 16:13 Exercise led to weight gain, then loss. 17:25 Enjoy cycling, brings joy and balance. 20:42 Hypothalamus and pituitary regulate cortisol production. 25:27 Limit stress before bed by unplugging devices. 28:59 Flexibility and self-care for mental wellness. 30:34...
Published 01/03/24
New Year's is a time of New Beginnings. But what about the lessons we learned in the previous 12 months? This episode is all about those lessons and putting down what no longer services us. Join Cam and Amelia as we discuss the Top 5 things we are leaving behind as we look forward to the New Year. What are you ready to leave behind?   00:00 Shooting life away, a play on words. 05:14 Release need for comebacks, be authentic. 06:39 Reframe "should" to "I get to." 09:27 Self-doubt and rushing,...
Published 12/27/23
What are your fitness goals for 2024? Want to learn how to QuickStart your fitness program? You'll want to listen to this episode of the Midlife Mommas Guess what? The exercise program of your 20's and 30's won't work in menopause. Your body is different; your hormones are different and your exercise needs are different. Don't operate under the insanity principle (doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome). Here is a preview: Less is moreLift weights!Shun diet...
Published 12/20/23
Are you itchy? Is your throat scratchy? Are you hungrier than normal? It might be that you are DEHYDRATED! Dehydration is real in the wintertime. We don't think about drinking water so much when it's cold, but we need it as much as ever. Heat can be drying and if you exercise in winter, you need to rehydrate. Heck, even breathing causes you to lose moisture. Mentioned in this Episode: Redmonds Real Salt LMNT ReLyte by Redmond Link to Cam's Amazon store ***commission may be earned 00:00...
Published 12/13/23
How you talk to yourself, ie, your thoughts are habits that affect your daily life, including 'success' or 'failure'. I use those terms loosely, as they are defined by your thoughts too!   Join us for an informative talk with Amy Lang. She's a master health coach, author, podcast host, and known as the Habit Whisperer. Amy's focus is helping women take a look at their thought habits and how they affect health and weight loss. Like so many subjects on The Midlife Mommas, weight loss is about...
Published 12/06/23
Sugar is the Devil.  In the 80's and 90's we were told it was dietary fat, but now we know differently. Sugar is one of the most addictive substances on earth.  So how do you break up with it? Go on, admit it, you need to break up with sugar. Cam and Amelia have had love affairs with sugar, so you aren't alone. In this episode, we talk about all kinds of sugar and how to recognize them. I know breaking up with sugar feels like losing your best friend, but you can do it! 02:23 Spouse,...
Published 11/29/23
Tracking nutrition may feel like a daunting, laborious task, but it will provide value if you are aiming for particular health goals. In this episode, Cam and Amelia unpack the what and how of nutritional tracking. You can start small, with just daily protein. Then, if needed, you can expand your tracking to all macro nutrients (fat and carbs). There are several apps that will lend a hand. It can be an eye-opening experience to track your nutrition. It lets you know what you are...
Published 11/22/23
cToday we're talking about redefining Thanksgiving Traditions in midlife. This may be especially relevant if your tradition will necessarily change due to a change in status. This could be due to divorce, loss of a parent, being newly empty-nested or simply that you want to try something new! Traditions are great, until they're not. I think sometimes we fail to recognize this.  We expect the 'Norman Rockwell' painting during the Holidays, when in fact, that rarely happens; it's a complete...
Published 11/15/23
November is National Family Caregivers Month! Join us for this fabulous conversation with Star Bradbury, author of Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years - Critical information to maximize their independence and make sure they get the care they need. Star talks about making a plan, broaching sensitive subjects, holding family meetings, dealing with dissenting opinions, and so much more! None of us want to think about our parents' (or our own!) long-term care and lack of...
Published 11/08/23
Most of us in Midlife are no stranger to loss. At some point in our lives, we've experienced the loss of a grandparent or older family member. But what about other losses? The loss of a good friend, the loss of a career, or the loss of our health can all throw us for a loop. This episode is dedicated to the memory of Cam's sweet friend Debby, who was a co-teacher with Cam for many years. This episode is both touching and comforting as we explore different types of loss, but also ways of...
Published 11/01/23
Greetings Midlifers! Welcome to this sobering (pun intended) episode of the midlife mommas. Colleen's story may resonate with you...in parts or in it's entirely. We are SO excited to have her on the show!   Colleen's story is not an unusual one. She talks about drinking in the context that it's most familiar, in casual and social settings. Many of us have used alcohol to 'take the edge off'. But when is it too much? How is alcohol affecting your health? Your decision making? Your sleep? Your...
Published 10/25/23
It's the FIRST time Cam and Amelia have met in person! Join us for this 'friend-focused' conversation. Following this monumental meeting, we decided it would be fun to record record together! Join us for this fun look at friendship! We talk about friends we meet at school, at church, through fitness, through our children, and through our community. Each of these friendships offer comfort, laughter and purpose. 00:02:57 Funny reconnecting story leads to reaching out. 00:04:28 Online...
Published 10/18/23