Hello , thank you for tuning in! Today we look at the The Advantages of Nurturing a Connection with Your Body and Self. I offer some tips on how we build a relationship with ourselves and with our body and why we would want to do this and finish with an embodied mediation to bring us into connection with our body. I talk about my journey of awareness and noticing my bodys signals . I also talk about what I do now to connect with my body and my emotions and how it's helped me. -Why your...
Published 08/09/24
Hello! Thank you for being here! Today we look at the value of doing the inner work. I discuss the aspects of being a human being that often are more internal than external and why these practices are so important. We also look at why it is a rebellion to give yourself the love the rest and nourishment that you need in today's world. -Rest, reflection , embodiment & meditation and why this isn't always valued or seen as productive -Empowerment and liberation -Creating a home within...
Published 07/25/24
Hello! Thank you for being here! Today we look at the benefits of Non Linear thinking, moving & living. I discuss the science behind embodied movement and yoga which takes us away from straight lines and into natural spirals and waves. I also discuss where these movement patters stem from (embryology) and then dive into non linear thinking and living and the feminine energy aspect of this. -The science behind non linear movement and embodied yoga -Embryology and the spiral of creation...
Published 07/11/24
Hello! Thank you for being here! Today we look at why we breakdown before we breakthrough. I discuss some of my personal journey with the breakdown and stripping away of the old before moving forward in my life into growth and expansion. -My experience with uncomfortable change and emotions -Beliefs about the unknown and change -Death and rebirth , natural cycles -Somatic safety , Safety within the body -Embodied meditation to connect with safety within yourself -Liberation and...
Published 07/02/24
Hello! Thank you for being here! Today we look at how we can harness somatic safety and embodiment to deal with change and the unknown. I discuss some of my personal journey with change and the unknown and my relationship to that and why feeling safe in yourself and in your body can help with this. I discuss beliefs surrounding change and other perspectives on it. -My experience with change, moving location, changing my life and diving into the unknown -Beliefs about the unknown and change...
Published 06/20/24
Hello! Thank you for being here! Today we look at embodied boundaries and in this episode I discuss different forms of boundaries, unhealthy and healthy and what the challenges can be surrounding boundaries. We'll finish the podcast with a embodied meditation connecting with the theme of boundaries. -How boundaries effect relationships -Internal and external boundaries -Trading truth for peace -Dishonoring yourself in relation to boundaries - Having boundaries that serve you and...
Published 06/06/24
Hello! Thank you for being here! Today we look at safety in the body, the nervous system and how this plays out in your life. Safety is so much more than just not physically being under threat. Our Nervous System plays a huge role in how we show up depending on how safe we feel in the world and with others. In This episode I discuss different forms of safety, how this affects yoga, relationships and life . -How the nervous system controls flexibility and mobility -Co regulating with other...
Published 05/23/24
Hello wonderful human and thank you for being here! Today we look at the myths surrounding feelings and emotions and what another perspective is on this topic. I discuss my personal experience with learning to have greater intimacy with my own emotions for myself and as a parent! I explain why emotions and feelings are a positive and empowering thing. I will finish with an embodied guided practice to drop in to your inner space and invite you to notice the power of your feelings and...
Published 05/16/24
Hello wonderful human and thank you for being here! Today we look at What Embodiment is and why it is important! I also offer you an embodied guided practice to drop in to your inner space and invite you to notice the power of your thoughts, feelings and sensations. - Embodiment essentially inhabiting your body and being fully allowing you to be the most sincere version of yourself - Forgotten skill of embodiment in today's world - Sensitivity is your superpower, ever been told you are...
Published 05/09/24
Discussing collective overwhelm and my experience of overwhelm through life. I'm also offering a practical exercise to help soothe the overwhelm as I guide you into an embodied style of meditation to drop into the body and sensations that are present. We will be looking at the below topics throughout: - Diving into what overwhelm can mean , how it might feel in the nervous system - Looking out how our ancestors dealt with threat and the shut down part of our nervous system linked to...
Published 05/02/24
Discussing why we might be disconnected from the body in modern day life and why the body is a good tool for healing that we can connect more too. I discuss environmental factors that can create disembodiment and why and how we might use the body to help us heal and grow through life. - Environmental factors as to why we are disconnected to our body such as seeking external aliveness, fast paced life, showing up exactly the same every day. - The differences in styles of yoga, embodied...
Published 04/25/24
Freedom is something that I feel underpins so much in life. Yes I move my body because want to feel good and be healthy…..but ultimately I want those things so that I am FREE to experience life fully and I need a healthy body in order to do that .It’s the same with looking after mental and emotional health , (which is all ultimately connected to the body). If I want to thrive and feel the fullness of life, I need my mental and emotional health in order to do this , it gives me clarity and...
Published 04/18/24
Discussing key ways to learn to trust your bodys wisdom and intuition and why you might want to do this. I share what I've learnt about this topic through life experience, embodiment practice and research. I explain how intuition and body wisdom has helped me in making important life decisions and leading an authentic life. I'll be offering 3 ways that you can start to connect more with your intuition day to day. -Discussing my personal journey with intuition and body wisdom and where I've...
Published 04/04/24
Exploring how you can live a life filled with intention and embody the truest expression of yourself. In this episode I will give you 3 pillars that have shaped my journey to becoming intentional in my own life. I will share how this was empowering and what I needed to embody to create the change and peel back the layers! -How to move out of life happening to you and move into being the co creator of your life -Peeling back the layers and noticing what parts of your life are created by...
Published 03/28/24
Working with energy and embodiment practices and how this can create power and freedom in your life. An exploration of what this meant on my personal journey and how it can empower you too! -How I came to quite my office job and become a yoga teacher -How understanding energy principles started to change my life -Why embodiment offers another layer of healing and growth -How an embodied approach to yoga changed everything -Why there may be more to life than you are yet...
Published 03/21/24