Have you ever thought that if you stopped something or slowed down on it that it was like giving up or failing?Do you wonder if there can be a balance of resting AND working hard toward your health goals? Are you curious what the process of letting go of something in obedience to the Lord looks like when it comes to your health or life? Today, I’m talking about it all in pure honesty of where the Lord has been working in my heart and life lately and the season that He is leading me into next...
Published 10/30/23
Do you find yourself working and stressing all week long, never finding time to take a break?    Are you wondering if something like weekly Sabbath is even possible for a busy mom like you?   Do you believe the Lord is calling to something more with Him but can’t seem to find enough to seek Him and find out?    With all of the to-do’s looming over your head, especially when you think about what you want to do to be living “healthy,” it can be really overwhelming to think about now setting...
Published 10/23/23
Are you tired of feeling tired day in and day out?    Do you wonder if there will ever come a time in your life where you don’t feel stressed?    Are you curious if resting will truly create more peace than chaos in your days?    The truth is…REST is so much more than sleep.    When you are well rested, you live a calm and peaceful life.    When you are well rested you have energy to do the things you need to do and mental capacity to make the decisions that need to be made.    When you are...
Published 10/16/23
Do you find yourself stressed and on edge more often than you like? Are you tired of being tired all the time? Do you have a hard time prioritizing rest?    I know how frustrating it can be to have every intention of doing something and then just not be able to follow through. I understand the challenges of trying to live healthy when you have zero energy for anything.    Today, I want to encourage you that there is a better way, a Biblical way, to live healthy without the stress and...
Published 10/09/23
Have you tried more food restrictions than you’d like and found that they are not helping your digestion issues?    Are you tired of dealing with gut discomfort…you know bloating, constipation, all the things…  and not knowing what is causing it?    Do you find yourself wondering why regular doctors and traditional medicine aren’t helping with any of it?    Well, let’s talk about that today!    Because the truth is that you shouldn’t have to live with gut discomfort and digestion issues any...
Published 10/02/23
Have you ever wondered if God really cares about the details of your health and how you’re feeling physically?    Do you question if God can really give you the answers and provide a way for you to live as your healthiest self in this life?    Well, I’ll give you a hint. God cares and God knows and today’s special guest is going to share all about her story. From having to leave ministry because of chronic illness, to God leading her on a long path of health and healing to how she helps women...
Published 09/24/23
Have you been trying to live healthy or change your habits but seen no lasting results?    Are you sick of starting something new in your diet or exercise routine but not being able to stick with it for very long?    I know how you feel and you’re not alone! I think much of diet culture tries to convince you to change everything or overhaul your life for a short time and then once you get the results you’re looking for, you can go back to living the way you were…    But I know, and I’m sure...
Published 09/18/23
If you’ve ridden the diet roller coaster before…    If you’re ready to stop living in the shame of all the “should’s” this world’s version of health teaches…    If you know that growing in a relationship with the Lord is how to truly live healthy but don’t know where to start…    Tune in to this super encouraging, wisdom filled conversation because in today’s episode, I’m so excited to share with you an interview I did with Robin Rhine McDonald from the Vision Driven Health podcast where we...
Published 09/11/23
Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions? Maybe you’ve gotten caught up in just checking things off your to-do list, not really sure why you’re doing them or if they’re actually helping you.   Have you ever found yourself tightly holding onto something you were convinced you needed to be doing only to find it causing you extra challenges in one way or another? Maybe that’s misplaced priorities, living up to an expectation you weren’t called to live up to or something like...
Published 09/05/23
Have you ever seen another car driving near you start to drift off into another lane or even your lane? What was the first thing you thought (or maybe said out loud) about them?    “Stop being distracted and drive, pay attention to what you’re doing!” Something along those lines right…    Have you ever been talking to your kids about something very important when you start to see their gaze shift to something else and their hands begin to fidget?    What do you say to them next? “Can you...
Published 08/27/23
This episode will be a little different than usual, but as Proverbs 3:5-6 says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.”   So today that’s what I’m doing. I want to share with you how my living healthy and empowered has opened up the doors for me to see and experience more of God and allowed Him to lead me more and more into the life and purpose He has planned for me. And though it is...
Published 08/21/23
Do you feel like your emotions are getting in the way of being able to consistently live healthy?    Maybe you just keep going to food when you’re overwhelmed and stressed. Maybe you find yourself dependent on exercise to work off the calories you’ve eaten. Maybe you just don’t feel emotionally stable and want things to change but you don’t know where to start.    Maybe you’re wondering if God even cares about your emotions or maybe you’re wondering if God can really handle all of the deep...
Published 08/14/23
Are you sick of the dieting cycle you’ve been stuck in? Do you wonder if you’ll ever experience true freedom in your health?    Are you ready to see God do a miracle so you can live confidently as the woman He created you to be? Do you want to be fully empowered to live out the purpose God has for you?    My guest today, Mimi Kroger, brings the heat in the best way possible! She drops incredible Bible Truth left and right to give you a clear picture of what is possible for you in your health...
Published 08/07/23
Do you find yourself feeling tired all the time?    Are you wishing you had more energy to keep up with your kids and life?    Are you sick of trying all of the “diety” things like throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping something finally sticks?   It can be so overwhelming to think about trying to live healthier when you are just exhausted and there is so much information out there! So what do you do about it?   On today’s episode, I have special guest Michelle McCoy on for an uplifting and...
Published 07/31/23
Have you felt the overwhelm of living healthy as a busy mom? Do you struggle to find the time and energy to take care of yourself?    Are you longing to create a culture of healthy choices in your home, with your children, but just don’t know where to start?   Do you want to better understand the impact that you, momma, living healthy has on your entire family?   You are going to love this inspiring, authentic and encouraging conversation I had with Suzanne Manning on today’s episode! Suzanne...
Published 07/24/23
Do you believe that your relationship with God is important? How about the most important thing in your life?    Do you find yourself feeling torn at times about whether to even care about your physical health because you’re wondering if God cares anyways?    Are you struggling to grow your relationship with God in the midst of trying to learn to take care of yourself and your health?    I was challenged by a mentor of mine recently with why I don’t just share more about exactly how to grow...
Published 07/17/23
Are you tired of feeling like you don’t have enough time to do the things you know you need to do to live healthy?    Do you find yourself frustrated by starting a new healthy habit only for it to fall away after just a few months or even weeks?    Did you know that a few mindset shifts might make all the difference in how much time you have to make the lasting healthy changes you’re looking to make in your life?    Get ready to be challenged and encouraged in how you THINK about living...
Published 07/10/23
My special guest, Sheri Thompson, the HOPE coach, joined me in a conversation to talk about how inner healing and emotional healing play a part in overcoming some struggles of living healthy. She shares her personal testimony of coming to the Lord, walking through her own healing, and how that is still playing a part in her own health journey.    She bridges the gap in our understanding of how revisiting some past hurts and traumas can truly help us live our healthiest selves, make our...
Published 07/03/23
Listen momma, I know you want to make better healthy food choices. I know you maybe sorta kinda know what you should be doing to eat healthier. But it’s all just so confusing sometimes.    There’s all these diets and eating plans out there that often give conflicting information. And let me guess, you’ve tried one or two (or more) of them and they haven’t helped you make lasting changes to your health or weight? Yep, I’ve been there and many other women have been too!    BUT I want to share...
Published 06/25/23
Do you know what you should be doing to live healthier but struggle to do those things (or do them consistently)?    Are you sick of trying harder and harder to make better choices but failing over and over again?    Curious if there’s a better way?    I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that there’s totally a better way! The bad news is that better doesn’t necessarily mean easier.    Join me as I dig into some very familiar scriptures in Proverbs 3 and discuss what it...
Published 06/19/23
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of adding “self-care” into your already busy mom life?    Do you wonder what it would look like to take care of yourself the way God calls you to?    Are you ready to ditch the world’s expectations of what your health should look like and walk fully into all that God is calling you to as a wife, mom, and follower of Jesus?    I know you’re going to love this conversation I had with Brandy Coffin all about what it means to truly nourish yourself, take...
Published 06/12/23
Have you ever noticed that the way your morning starts often dictates how the rest of your day will go?    For example, if you’re already running late because you overslept, you will probably feel like you spend the day unsuccessfully playing catch up.   Or if you wake up feeling overwhelmed, stressed and on edge, that often translates into being short and impatient with your kids or husband as the day goes on.. Which tends to lead to guilt for how you’re treating them when they clearly don’t...
Published 06/05/23
Are you ready to stop the cycle of trying and failing at diets and workout programs?    Are you ready to make changes in your life and health for good?    Have you always struggled with consistently making your best health choices?   Let’s talk about it! Because what I learned in my journey so far is that living healthy God’s way is actually pretty simple IF you have the right mindset and perspective about it.    Listen in on today’s episode where I’m sharing 3 steps to live healthy God’s way...
Published 05/29/23
Want to know the secret to consistently making your healthiest choices? Ready to stop dieting and just feel freedom around food? If you’re ready to stop feeling like your emotions are influencing your decisions too much?    Then this episode is for you! I can’t wait to share about this topic of mindfulness because it is near and dear to my heart and a huge part of my journey to living as my healthiest self in true confidence.    So, if you find yourself going going going all the time,...
Published 05/22/23