Do you ever wonder why you can’t seem to stick to your exercise plan? Do you feel like you just don’t really have the time or energy to get enough exercise each day?    You probably know how important getting exercise is for you physically and you may even understand the mental benefits of it too…but that hasn’t made it any easier to get moving has it?    I want to talk today about 3 ways you can add more movement to your day-to-day even if you have always struggled to consistently follow an...
Published 05/15/23
As a mom, do you take care of yourself FIRST or at all? Do you find guilt taking over whenever you do anything for yourself?   Maybe out of habit you find yourself thinking that your family needs all the things and THEN you'll think about taking care of yourself!   BUT the truth is, you weren't meant to eat only scraps from your kids plate, run around town as a ball of stress trying to get your kids to every activity, or let anything come before your relationship with the Lord.    Yep, I said...
Published 05/08/23
Join me for a Special One Year Anniversary Episode!   I can’t believe it’s been a year already. 365 days, 57 episodes. I have enjoyed every single minute of this journey, I’ve been able to learn so much and cannot wait to continue.    I’m curious if you’ve ever spent time reflecting back on your health journey and how things have gone for you over the past however long. Does it make you feel frustrated? Thankful for all you’ve gone through? Ashamed of where you’ve been?    Or some combination...
Published 05/01/23
A Healthy family has to start with you, mom. AND it can be a whole lot easier for you to stay healthy when there’s unity in your family.    Special guest Katie Keene, brings a beautiful perspective to what a unified family looks like, why it’s important, and how that impacts your overall health.    I talk all the time about how there is a lot fighting against you in being able to live healthy BUT there is also so much fighting against your family living in unity too!    Listen in as we chat...
Published 04/28/23
Have you ever felt like there was something in regards to your health that just had a hold on you? Like no matter how hard you tried to let it go, you just couldn't?    Do you wonder if you’ll ever be able to actually do the thing you want to do and stop doing the thing you don’t want to do?    For example, I have a history of sneaking into the pantry while my kids are playing and eating all of their chocolate from various holidays throughout the year. I can’t seem to help myself. When it’s...
Published 04/24/23
Do you want to stop worrying about things in the future? Are you ready to let go of the control you’re holding on to? Do you desire to live with less anxiety?    See, worry and anxiety can show up in many different ways. It might look like controlling things like your food and exercise because you don’t feel like you can control anything else.    It might look like going to different foods, drinks, substances, to cope with the emotions that you just don’t really know how to cope with...
Published 04/21/23
Have you ever tried  to eat better or exercise more without any support or help and failed?    Do you ever feel alone in pursuing a dream or goal and then lose motivation somewhere along the way?   Maybe you find yourself saying things like “I just need some accountability to stay on track with eating healthy or getting to the gym.”    Or maybe you have the accountability and still wonder why you can’t seem to consistently do the thing you say you were going to do.   Accountability can be a...
Published 04/17/23
Do you struggle with exercise after babies?  Are you wondering how you can possibly find the time to workout around your kids schedules?  There are actually a lot of mental hurdles to overcome when it comes to exercising, especially postpartum.  BUT there are also so many benefits to regular movement and exercise including mental clarity and emotional stability.  Join me in this conversation with Mandi Kelso where we talk all about the mindsets that moms struggle with most when it comes to...
Published 04/14/23
Do you ever find that you tell yourself you’ll have just one piece of candy because your non-diet approach to weight loss says don’t deprive yourself? But you know deep inside that candy isn’t actually helping you lose the weight you’re trying to lose. Do you want to stop feeling guilty or ashamed when it comes to how healthy you’re living? But inside you know you shouldn’t have skipped that morning workout or eaten that entire bag of chips in one sitting.  Do you feel like you just don’t...
Published 04/10/23
Are you feeling tired, exhausted or like you’re running on empty?    Are you doing all the things with no end in sight?    Are you wondering how you’re possibly supposed to live healthy in this season of life?    Tune in because today I’m sharing a quick encouragement that I feel like the Lord laid on my heart about how slowing down and filling on His strength is really the key to help you persevere and stay consistent in your health even when you feel too busy!    My prayer is that you are...
Published 04/03/23
Are you trying to lose weight or live healthy but find yourself on and off diet and workout plans because nothing seems to stick?   Have you been wondering why it’s so hard to be disciplined and consistent in your new healthy habits?   Maybe you know what you should be doing to get healthy but just can’t seem to actually do the things!     Well, what if I told you that your health journey can also be a healing journey, spiritually, not just physically.    The truth is Creator God made you to...
Published 03/27/23
Are you wondering exactly what you need to do to consistently eat healthier?    Do you struggle to change your food habits in a sustainable way?    Are you fed up with not being able to follow your diet plan again?   Today, I’m sharing my top nutrition tips and the best part is, they have nothing to do with what's on the menu this week!    While making changes to your eating may not be easy, it is possible! Food freedom can totally be a part of your future when you let go of these 3 things so...
Published 03/20/23
Sleep is foundational to living healthy, do you believe that?    Are you struggling to get good sleep? Are you tired of feeling tired?    Are you ready to start making your rest a priority so you can live as your healthiest self and show up your best for your family?    Let’s get your sleep in order. See, God designed our bodies to need sleep and gave us instruction of a rhythm of rest to live by. But He never said it was going to be easy.    Today, I’m sharing all about why sleep is so...
Published 03/13/23
Have you ever struggled to follow through with your plan to exercise?    Maybe you’ve found yourself starting off strong but then giving up when it gets hard or boring?    Or you were looking for quick results but found it taking too much time to get where you wanted to go?    I know what you’re feeling! It can be so tough to know what you should be doing but just not be able to consistently do it!    It can really challenge your patience when you think you should see changes but nothing...
Published 03/06/23
Do you struggle with emotional or stress eating? Have you wondered if that is the source of the bad eating habits you can’t kick?   Maybe this idea is new to you or maybe you’ve tried everything under the sun to just STOP!    Today, I’m diving deep into the topic of emotional eating and living healthy God’s way with special guest Jessica Hottle. We talk a lot about how understanding that your body, mind, emotions, and spirit all work together when it comes to living healthy really is the key...
Published 02/27/23
I know you’ve felt it.. The cycle of guilt or shame that follows another failed attempt at “getting healthy” or “losing weight.” I’ve been there too!    You try so hard to do all the right things but one little slip up completely derails you and sends you into an emotional hole you never wanted to have to dig yourself out of.    I want to give you hope today. I want to encourage you to try again, but differently this time. Because while you may know exactly what it’s like to feel powerless to...
Published 02/20/23
Have you ever looked in the mirror and couldn’t help but think things like this?  I look so ugly. I would feel so much better if I lost a few pounds. I wish I had more muscle and less flab.     Do you feel like you’re stuck in a never ending cycle of negative thinking and body image that just keeps you feeling down on yourself?    Are you wondering if there’s even a way out of all the shame and guilt you’ve buried yourself under?    There is, don’t worry! Today, I’m sharing 4 steps you can...
Published 02/13/23
I have a special guest for you today, Elyse, who I brought on to talk about something that I believe can be very crucial to our ability to live healthy BUT that there is still a lot of confusion around, for myself included. And that is low-tox living or learning to minimize the toxic load on our bodies. Now she shares more details about what that means but if you’re getting ready to turn this off because you think this doesn’t apply to you or it’ll be way to overwhelming, let me share this...
Published 02/06/23
As a busy mom, do you struggle to think about changing your eating habits?    Maybe it’s more tempting to go on another diet because they tell you exactly what foods to eat and when…maybe you know dieting won’t work for you but you have no idea where to start with making changes…     I get it, changing habits around food is hard! It takes time, it takes effort, it takes energy…all of which are in short supply as a mom right?    But I want to tell you today that YOU CAN DO THIS! You can begin...
Published 01/30/23
Are you ready to stop the cycle of trying and failing at diets and workout programs?    Are you ready to make changes in your life and health for good?    Have you always struggled with consistently making your best health choices?   Let’s talk about it! Because what I learned in my journey so far is that living healthy God’s way is actually pretty simple IF you have the right mindset and perspective about it.    Listen in on today’s episode where I’m sharing 3 steps to live healthy God’s way...
Published 01/23/23
Whether you’re wondering where to begin (or begin again) in your weight loss journey…   Or you’re in the middle of it and feeling like motivation is beginning to fade…    I pray this testimony will bless you.    We cover everything from the lies the enemy might be telling you about your health and the truth God speaks instead, to what to do when the struggle of health being a lifelong and sometimes hard journey slows you down.    Monica has been a spiritual voice in my ear, being used by the...
Published 01/16/23
Do you struggle to find exercise you enjoy? Are you having a hard time sticking to an exercise plan that works for you? Do you feel overwhelmed by where to begin? That’s okay! Getting in shape (or back in shape) is on a lot of people’s to-do list but it can be a lot to think about. I want to try and break it down simply today and give you some ideas of where you can start today, even if you’ve tried and failed countless times before. As you probably know, exercise is a big part of taking care...
Published 01/09/23
Have you set your health goals for the year already? How are you feeling about them? Are you ready to commit and do what you have to do to follow through with your New Year’s Resolutions this year? Do you wish I was not talking about goals and visions for the year? Because the reality is that EVERYONE else is already in your ear whispering about what you should or shouldn’t do and reminding you of the disheartening statistics and I’m sure you’re sick of it. BUT I want to share something...
Published 01/02/23
Hey momma, I know this time of year can be really stressful and busy with the holidays and all the things so I wanted to share with you my number one tool for eliminating stress and experiencing more joy! I know you’ll love this and find some awesome nuggets to help you be more present, find more joy, and live more mindfully with your family in this crazy season! Let me ask you this before I start though… Do you struggle with always being on the go or feeling like you always have to do...
Published 12/26/22
Have you ever found yourself constantly feeling the need to eat all the food on your plate even if you feel full?    Do you struggle with eating so much you just feel miserable?    Are you wondering if you’ll ever be able to stop yourself and actually feel in control around food?    Today I’m talking all about the struggle of overeating! I’ll be sharing mindset shifts, practical tips for creating the habits you need to eat intuitively AND what you might need to do if you’ve tried all the...
Published 12/19/22