In this episode Shayna discusses the 5 Steps she took to switch to Intuitive Movement and how it did not lead to weight gain. FREE 5 STEPS PRINTABLE on the Blog HERE: https://www.nsnutrition.co/post/how-to-switch-from-regular-exercise-to-intuitive-movement-without-it-affecting-your-weight    Join our Food Freedom Membership and fast track your way to feeling in control around ALL foods here: https://www.nsnutrition.co/services-4-1    Free Training "Retrain Your Brain":...
Published 05/02/23
Mini Episode: Why do I overeat at a restaurant? & Is Body Checking Keeping You Safe or STUCK? Today I share some really potent gems from our private coaching membership. Join the membership here: https://www.nsnutrition.co/services-4-1 *As always this is for informational purposes and not a suitable substitute for working with your medical professional. Support the show
Published 04/30/23
In this episode we discuss how our body image is created and how we can start today to improve how we feel about our body to create a life we love. We discuss what causes poor body image and low self esteem and we talk about strategies we use and our clients use to improve body image, body acceptance and self confidence. Body image affects all aspects of your life including how you eat, nutrition, wellness & health. Improving you body image will result in a greater quality of...
Published 04/19/23
In this episode we discuss the top 10 signs our clients experience that indicate that they are healing their relationship with food. Not only are these signs that they no longer struggle with over eating, binge eating, sugar cravings any other symptoms of dieting & diet culture, but that they have healed their metabolism and are eating intuitively.  Join our Food Freedom Membership and fast track your way to feeling in control around ALL foods here:...
Published 04/05/23
If you are feeling like you need to "learn" how to be a better eater, this episode is for you. We explain how MORE nutrition eduction is not the answer, if anything it can heighten your current struggles. We explain why nutrition messaging disconnects you from your intuitive ability (innate body wisdom) to navigate food healthily. Join our upcoming Webinar to Re-train Your Brain (to unlearn all this programming) and Become the Person Who Doesn't Always Want the Cake etc. Join here:...
Published 02/16/23
We chat body positivity with Mark Breedon, Host of The Badass Lifter Podcast. Mark is a weight neutral personal trainer who focuses on training for strength and building healthy habits instead of training for weight loss or aesthetics. Mark wants to help you feel confident in what your body can do as opposed to what it is supposed to look like. Find Mark here:  IG and Tik Tok:...
Published 02/02/23
Our clients always say "I will never be the kind of person who doesn't want to eat the whole ______ (cake, bag of chips, container of candy, box of cookies, tub of ice cream etc.). And here's the thing - we used to say the SAME THING! But now, our lives are so different thanks to learning food freedom and intuitive eating skills. In this episode we discuss how our lives used to be our food rules and how they are now with our new mindset around food. Happy New Year! Check out our Brand New...
Published 01/18/23
Nervous about party season? In this episode we chat all the mindset and food freedom strategies that we've practiced over the years to set us up for really positive party experiences. We cover body image and intuitive eating insights that have helped us in the hardest of times and that we still use to this day. Learn more about how we support women to stop dieting and achieve Food Freedom here: https://www.nsnutrition.co/membership Follow us on Instagram for Food Freedom, Intuitive Eating...
Published 12/16/22
If  you struggle with over eating during the holiday season, this video is for you! We discuss 5 easy mindset shifts you can make that will stop your over eating & weight gain this Christmas. You will. no longer feel the need to over eat cookies, chocolate or whatever Christmas foods you love and have to restart, refresh, diet, cleanse or detox in the new year! Learn more about how I support women to stop dieting and achieve Food Freedom here:...
Published 12/09/22
We cover 5 important nutrition tips to help you feel totally in control around ALL foods this holiday season. So that you can allow yourself to eat the foods you really want without feeling yucky or regretful! No need to pre-diet to prepare for Christmas or feel the need to detox, cleanse or diet I the New Year!  These 5 nutrition tips will. make sure you are full & satisfied, minimize your sugar cravings and help you stop eating when you are comfortably full! Next week we'll cover the...
Published 11/30/22
We chat 6 things that help our clients achieve true food freedom in record time! If you're working on food freedom but find it's taking for-ev-errr to get to place where you truly feel no willpower needed to navigate food in a truly healthy and balanced manor - then check out these 6 things to see if adding a few might make all the difference in your journey :) Support the show
Published 11/16/22
In this episode Nicky shares why she started dieting and how is quickly spiralled into disordered eating and disordered behaviours. Nicky get vulnerable with how horrible her relationship with food was and how helpless, frustrated and unhealthy her symptoms were.  If you want support in your Food Freedom/ Intuitive Eating journey (so you don't feel like you are failing), apply for a spot in our Membership here: https://www.nsnutrition.co/membership Holistic Life NavigationThis podcast...
Published 11/10/22
"I'm afraid it's going to be just another thing I'm going to fail at" ... this is one thing we hear from our clients often. We're here to tell you, you can't fail at food freedom because you're just learning to get back to "normal" eating! You were born this way gf! IF you want support in you Food Freedom/ Intuitive Eating journey (so you don't feel like you are failing), apply for a spot in our Membership here: https://www.nsnutrition.co/membership Holistic Life NavigationThis podcast...
Published 11/03/22
Should you try the carnivore diet? What does the carnivore diet entail? Today we cover what you're allowed to eat on the carnivore diet and if we recommend starting the carnivore diet.  IF you want support in you Food Freedom/ Intuitive Eating journey apply for a spot in our Membership here: https://www.nsnutrition.co/membership Catalyst 360: Health, Wellness & Performance!Your trusted source for engaging, evidence-based health, wellness & performance insights!!Listen on: Apple...
Published 10/21/22
Do you ever feel like food is a guilty pleasure, maybe it gives you an escape or euphoria high? If so, we explain how you can finally snap out of this and gain greater pleasure and fulfillment in life. Support the show
Published 10/14/22
We cover the science of WHY putting in the intention to become a non-distracted eater will pay off big time! Do you struggle with putting your phone down or closing your laptop to have lunch? Do you feel you're wasting time or could be more productive eating at the same time? Perhaps you don't want to hear the silence of eating alone. In this episode we turn these narratives upside down to help you truly feel your best with more joy and pleasure! Support the show
Published 10/07/22
In this episode we speak to the remarkable effect of letting go (or putting aside) of your weight loss desire. We describe how your body finds incredible relief, your mind becomes clear and you're finally able to truly hear what your body actually wants when you have proper intuitive eating skills that aren't stifled by weight loss preoccupations. From there your overeating naturally goes away, your body starts to feel amazing and you start to ask yourself "why did I ever follow food...
Published 09/30/22
Nicky & Shayna discuss foods they eat regularly now that were once forbidden or heavily portion controlled in their past diet culture lives. Do you relate to any of these? Support the show
Published 09/23/22
Lynda shares how she stopped portion controlling, started eating what her family was eating and now feels totally in control around all foods & well nourished - her body now guides her to foods & amounts that will make her feel her best without willpower or overthinking everything. Lynda shares her incredible food freedom (intuitive eating) journey and how she achieved peace with food and true trust in her body! She describes how her husband makes the best ice cream in the world, yet...
Published 09/13/22
When You Have Everything in Life Figured Out Except for Your Eating - why is this and how to feel in charge of your eating once and for all! If you are someone who has worked hard your whole life and you feel successful in every aspect except your eating, this video is for you! We discuss how trying to be perfect with your eating can lead to you feeling so out of control around food. If you are an A type personality or tend to be a perfectionist, this is for you! If you want to stop over...
Published 09/01/22
You know *what* to do, but just can't seem to DO it consistently? We all know eating healthy and moving our body regularly is best for our health and makes us feel great - but why don't we do it consistently? We explain how our subconscious programming plays a big sneaky role in this seemingly never-ending start-stop cycle.  We cover topics such as identity statements, self-sabotage, fear based thinking, limiting beliefs and how to reprogram your mind to finally give you the consistent...
Published 08/24/22
Ever try to eat mindfully? But for some reason it only happens sometimes OR it doesn't really stop you from overeating?! You feel like you're mindfully-overeating!?! Thinking, "WHY, am I still eating!?!"   Almost like you're watching yourself overeat but just can't figure out how to regain the control?   We've absolutely been there.  Today we cover what needs to come first before mindful eating. You're not broken - in fact, what you're experiencing is not your fault. Let us know which of...
Published 08/09/22
Ever tell yourself, tonight I will NOT eat all the things - today is a new day. I will be/do better. Only to get to the evening and deeply desire to eat all the things - even though you don't feel physically hungry!?! We discuss what causes this type of nighttime eating and key things to put into place to help feel in the driver seat - and truly not feel driven to eat like that anymore! Here is the link to the FREE Hunger Webinar Mentioned:...
Published 07/27/22
Current Parenting Trends That Could End Up Causing Your Kids to Become Overeaters In today's episode we cover 3 big trends amongst parents today that may actually disconnect children from the innate ability to navigate food healthily.  As always we come from a place of love and just bringing more awareness so that we can make some tweaks and like Nicky said, "just shake things up" so that we're not creating unwanted patterns for life. If you'd like to continue the discussion, we strive our...
Published 07/06/22
We cover the 5 things our parents did growing up that majorly caused us to end up overeating and feel like we needed to diet as adults. Did you experience any of these? Do you feel like you over eat or love food to much and therefore need to control your eating with diets, plans or cutting food groups out? If so, this episode is for you because the cause might really surprise you! We explain why you want to eat something sweet after eating. We explain why you still want to eat even when you...
Published 06/29/22