In this episode we talk about: 1. If you hate the process, we address it. 2. Embracing the process and the process of acceptance. 3. Finding something you like in the process. 4. Doing the same stuff over and over again to build your discipline. 5. Getting the results. 6. You don't lack discipline. 7. Growing up a bit. 8. Hot takes about belief systems that limit you and hold you back from your success. 9. Stop focusing on results. 10. The man who learns to accept things as they are...
Published 12/29/23
In this episode we talk about: 1. Holiday Interlude - dieting over the holidays won't do much. One holidays isn't going to derail you from your goals.  2. January 1st is a Monday. If you don't prepare, prepare to fail. 3. Star the New Year right 4. No more crash dieting 5. Dedicate your entire next year 6. The 3 Steps Needed 7. How you're going to implement the 3 steps 8.  Be honest with yourself 9. You're capable of more than you know 10. The mechanisms for weight loss are very...
Published 12/22/23
In this episode we talk about:  1. Why so many people struggle to lose weight long term 2. How change is much harder than you'd think 3. Most people have a deep unwillingness to change their minds 4. Most are unaware just how bad the food environment really is 5.  Everyone has food rules that hold them back  6. Most are unaware of how much they consume  7. Life gets in the way  8. No one has a good support system  9. Healthcare inaccessibility  10. Personal story :)  Ekkovision - Code...
Published 12/15/23
In this episode we talk about: 1. Misconceptions about healthy food 2. Dispelling food rules/beliefs 3. Eating canned food and frozen food is king 4. The cost of healthy food debate 5. Distorted food prices 6. What drive the difference in diet between poor and rich households 7. What drives food costs 8. Food affordability tips 9. Comparing prices and foods...
Published 12/08/23
In this episode we talk about: 1. Data we have and don't have on refeeding 2. Benefits of refeeding 3. Disadvantages and pitfalls of refeeding 4. What is a refeed? 5. What a refeed is not 6. When is a refeed necessary? 7. Who is a refeed for? 8. What is the difference between a refeed and reverse dieting? 9. How to incorporate a refeed into your diet. 10. How to use a refeed to hit a performance goal. 11. Behind the scenes of physique competitors doing refeeds or so they say....
Published 12/01/23
**Food is expensive but eating healthy doesn't have to break the bank. We are going to talk about this in an episode coming up in the second week of December :)  In this episode we talk about: 1. Disease and it's correlation to the food we eat 2. Some scary stats 3. How disease is preventable 4. The gut and what it shows us about disease 5. Perspective shift on food 6. What is in a disease prevention diet 7. What you're actually not getting about your diet 8. Everyone wishes that they...
Published 11/24/23
In this episode we talk about: 1. Overrated and underrated stress management practices. 2. Why stress management practices are important. 3. The impact stress has on your health. 4. How to manage your stress practically. 5. Encouragement and perspective around stress. 6. Mindfulness inventory. 7. Learning how to talk to yourself and perceive your surrounding. 8. How to be realistic about the things that you can and can't change.  Ekkovision - Code LEX Join the coaching community...
Published 11/17/23
In this episode we talk about: 1. How micro behaviors are the foundation of success long term. 2. Wake up routine. 3. Cortisol reduction protocols found in caffeine delay and hydration with electrolytes. 4. Yoga, meditation, journaling - grounding practices. 5. Screen time. 6. Sun and outside exposure. 7. The myth of polar plunges and content creators. 8. Caffeine intake cut offs. 9. Alcohol boundaries. 10. How to actually get to bed. 11. Supplementation and myths.   Ekkovision -...
Published 11/10/23
In this episode we discuss: 1. Is starvation mode a real thing? 2. What are the implications of having PCOS or a thyroid condition? 3. What are the implications of metabolic conditions? 4. What might be wrong with me if I feel like I can't lose weight on a deficit? 5. Does my body hold on to fat? 6. Can my body prevent me from losing fat? 7. Can't not eating enough cause me to not lose weight? 8. The Minnesota Starvation Experiment and what we learned from it 9. How stress impacts...
Published 11/03/23
In this episode we talk about: 1. Do calories really matter? 2. Are all calories created equal? 3. Thermogenic effect of food. 4. Digestability. 5. Macronutrients and micronutrients. 6. Satiability and gut health. 7. Twinkie guy & Potato guy 8. NEAT as a missing link for many. 9. Consistency. Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and coaching):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting...
Published 10/27/23
In this episode we talked about: 1. Why dieting might actually be easier than maintaining 2. Perspective 3. Bulking isn't for everyone 4. Why maintaining your results is really hard Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and coaching):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYJp_eLAlWdwP2acJ4rnRCx_POiyxC9ymbDCtA6R04x9i4YA/viewform Find me on...
Published 10/20/23
In this episode we talk about just what it takes to do a mini cut, who it's for and why people do it. I hope that this helps you contextualize what goes on behind the scenes of those crazy transformations. Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and coaching):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list?...
Published 10/13/23
In this episode we talk about: 1. Plans are great but a plan without execution will absolutely tear you up. 2. You can own your b******t or your b******t WILL own you. 3. The ultimate balancing act nuances. 4. The cycle of self sabotage. 5. Action, action, action is the way you end up sticking on plan.  Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and coaching):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting...
Published 10/06/23
In this episode we talk about: 1. Improving your discipline with one second decisions. 2. Short but epic episode. Very important.   Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and coaching):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYJp_eLAlWdwP2acJ4rnRCx_POiyxC9ymbDCtA6R04x9i4YA/viewform Find me on Instagram:...
Published 09/29/23
*The voices are back by popular demand. Thank you for the support everyone. Love you all. In this episode we talk about 1. Where you could potentially go wrong when you're trying to lose body fat 2. The pitfalls many face in a deficit that leads them to believe that the deficit isn't working 3. Where to get motivation from 4. General encouragement and answers when you feel defeated in your journey 5. Tough love as always :) Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and...
Published 09/22/23
In this episode: 1. How to figure out your own calories 2. Deciding the duration of your deficit 3. Managing biofeedback 4. Tracking food, macro and micro nutrients 5. Sustainability within your dieting 6. Exercise guidelines like cardio and weight lifting 7. Stress reduction practices 8. Accountability and adherence practices  Ekkovision Supplements - Code LEX for 10% off https://ekkovision.com/?ref=GqRy26WZH9zkg8 Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and...
Published 09/15/23
This episode is a little bit different - not prepared at all, no notes, thoughts I've been having in response to feedback I get on the podcast. I get raw and emotional and share a little bit more about my and my mind with you all. Hearts all around. Surprisingly ended up being an ok episode.  Ekkovision Supplements - Code LEX for 10% off https://ekkovision.com/?ref=GqRy26WZH9zkg8 Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and coaching): ...
Published 09/08/23
“how to stop being a quitter” In this episode I talk about: 1. The industry lying to you to keep you as a client forever. 2. You are not weak minded. 3. Practicing discipline. 4. Ten practical solutions to overcoming quitter mentality 5. The final "ah ha" strategy for not quitting 6. Real life examples of excuses and reasons people quit and how they overcome them 7. Encouragement to keep going Ekkovision Supplements - Code LEX for 10%...
Published 09/01/23
Ekkovision Supplements - Code LEX for 10% off https://ekkovision.com/?ref=GqRy26WZH9zkg8 Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and coaching):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYJp_eLAlWdwP2acJ4rnRCx_POiyxC9ymbDCtA6R04x9i4YA/viewform Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caloriedeficit_/?hl=en TikTok:...
Published 08/25/23
Ekkovision Supplements - Code LEX for 10% off https://ekkovision.com/?ref=GqRy26WZH9zkg8 Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and coaching):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYJp_eLAlWdwP2acJ4rnRCx_POiyxC9ymbDCtA6R04x9i4YA/viewform Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caloriedeficit_/?hl=en TikTok:...
Published 08/18/23
Ekkovision Supplements - Code LEX for 10% off https://ekkovision.com/?ref=GqRy26WZH9zkg8 Join the coaching community (affordable strength training and coaching):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYJp_eLAlWdwP2acJ4rnRCx_POiyxC9ymbDCtA6R04x9i4YA/viewform Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caloriedeficit_/?hl=en TikTok:...
Published 08/14/23
In this episode we talk about 1. The differences between lifestyle dieting and cutting. 2. How to know which one is right for you. 3. What do know when consuming specific media about diets. 4. Spotting the difference in a lifestyle diet and cut. 5. Longevity focus, not just dieting.  Join the coaching community (affordable strength training):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list?...
Published 07/28/23
In this episode we talk about: 1. Longevity intentions 2. Context around calorie amounts and intake 3. Bone density and Muscle Mass importance 4. Portion sizes 5. Media attention with calorie intake 6. Practical solutions for you as a small person 7. Coaching to get you through it  Join the coaching community (affordable strength training):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list?...
Published 07/21/23
In this episode we talk about how to actually track your macros like a pro and stop all the guessing. Tracking macros incorrectly could be the very thing that holds you back from successful fat loss and muscle gain. We help solve that for you.  Join the coaching community (affordable strength training):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list?...
Published 07/14/23
In this episode we talk about the relationship between your thoughts and your physical health - of course tools on how to improve the two and ultimately get the help you need to feel relief and take your emotional health seriously. Join the coaching community (affordable strength training):  https://www.patreon.com/CalorieDeficitUniversity/membership Want to sign up for the one on one coaching waiting list?...
Published 07/07/23