Today on Living Freely Podcast, listen in as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC outlines how symptoms of depression can manifest themselves in men versus women. While there are overarching symptoms of depression that transcend all people, there are some slightly nuanced differences that are important to know about. Causes of depression in men versus women can also be difficult depending what phase of life you are in. Be empowered to help yourself and others who may be experiencing depression, know the...
Published 10/27/21
Bipolar Disorder is a common mental health diagnosis and affects both men and women, and some children/adolescents. Did you know that there are two different kinds of Bipolar Disorder? Today on Living Freely Podcast, Rachel Ann Dine, LPC is breaking down what the two different kinds of Bipolar Disorder are, treatment options, and how to reduce the stigma around this disorder. Bipolar Disorder is a life long mental health issue and this episode seeks to educate and empower you to gain...
Published 10/20/21
Have you been thinking about going to therapy? Wondering what exactly happens in that first sessions? With depression and anxiety at all time highs right now, this episode seeks to reduce any anxiety surrounding making that first appointment and demystifying what happens in that first mental health therapy session. Listen in to Living Freely Podcast today as Rachel Ann Dine, Licensed Professional Counselor goes into detail about the main things that happen in your first therapy session as...
Published 10/13/21
Recent research shows that approximately 72% of US adults are active on social media! This number has grown exponentially from 2005 when research performed stated that only 5% of US adults were using social media. With the onset of high social media use, there have been some positives and negatives. Research shows that social media and news consumption has been linked to anxiety and depression. How to find the healthy balance? Listen in to Living Freely Podcast today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC...
Published 10/06/21
With all of the changes that have occurred in the last year or two, you may have experienced higher levels of anxiety. Maybe you've noticed anxiety in your kids or in yourself with regards to going back to school or being in public places. There is a new term for the presence of anxiety related to COVID. Have you heard of COVID Anxiety Syndrome? Today on Living Freely, Rachel Ann Dine, LPC is sharing what CAS is and ways that you can cope! Be empowered to know that there are ways to manage...
Published 10/06/21
Conflict is often a part of life and relationships. Not all conflict is bad-but how we handle conflict can greatly impact our relationships. Today on Living Freely Podcast, tune in as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC reviews the 5 conflict management styles and shares ways for you to more effectively navigate conflict. Be empowered to manage conflict and confrontation in a way that is proactive! Resource from the show today:...
Published 10/06/21
To round out a second great season of Living Freely, listen in to hear a collection of life lessons to inspire you and motivate you no matter where you may be in your life journey. Rachel Ann Dine, LPC shares 19 different tenets to hold near and dear and remember as you move forward in your life. Thank you for being a listener to Living Freely! We hope this second season has imparted some information and motivation you can implement in your life. Be empowered to live well and be well! Want...
Published 05/26/21
Sometimes it really is them and not you. Being in a relationship with a narcissistic individual can cause high levels of self-doubt, questioning, low self-confidence, and flat-out confusion on the reality of the situation. Narcissistic abuse is REAL. Listen in to Living Freely today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC shares the traits of someone with narcissistic personality disorder, common experiences that a survivor/victim of being in a relationship with a narcissist can have, and ways to start the...
Published 05/19/21
Do you consider yourself happy? When was the last time you checked in with yourself to assess your level of contentment with life? Listen in to Living Freely Podcast today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC provides strategies and techniques that people who identify as happy practice (all backed by research!). Being happy and finding your happy can take work, but it IS possible with the help of creating daily habits and practices. You are worthy of happiness! Be empowered to create habits in YOUR life...
Published 05/12/21
Struggle with trying to be perfect? Look perfect? Do everything perfectly? Perfectionism is real and can cause you to struggle with being vulnerable or even ask for help for fear of being viewed as a failure. Today on Living Freely, listen in as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC shares a quick self assessment to understand the traits of perfectionism, guideposts from Brene Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection to start letting perfectionism go, and ways you can ask for help + recognizing mental barriers...
Published 05/05/21
We all experience shame from time to time. But did you know shame can become toxic? How about the difference between guilt and shame and how they each can help or harm self-worth? Today on Living Freely, listen in as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC defines what shame is, when it becomes toxic, and how to recognize if you are carrying shame around + how to start letting it go. Be empowered to be self-compassionate (because hint: it's the antidote to shame)! Want to learn more about what Norfolk Public...
Published 04/28/21
We all have a body, but is your relationship with your body positive or negative? Messages about how we "should" look and body image can start at a very early age, but sometimes those messages are negative and can be lasting into adulthood. Today on Living Freely, Rachel Ann Dine, LPC is sharing what body image is, how a negative body image develops can be harmful, body positivity, and how can you cultivate a more positive body image. Be empowered to celebrate yourself for all of the unique...
Published 04/21/21
Comparing ourselves to others is largely in part, a normal part of human existence. BUT, if not monitored and feelings of jealousy enter the scene, can cause anxiety, depression, and feelings that "you're not enough". Today on Living Freely podcast, Rachel Ann Dine, LPC is talking all about what the comparison trap is, ways to self-assess if you're engaging in comparison thinking, and strategies to regain focus + stop comparing. Be empowered to embrace and honor your unique self and know you...
Published 04/14/21
Tragic events can happen in life. These events can be traumatic for the person experiencing them without a doubt. There are ways to work through and deal with trauma in a way that feels good to you. Listen in to Living Freely Podcast today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC provides information on two types of trauma: Little T and Big T, what PTSD is, and strategies for mindset + managing symptoms of trauma and even validating yourself. Be empowered to know there is help available and you are able to...
Published 04/07/21
Feeling more self-confident is a journey, not a final destination! It's a process that involves careful attendance to your needs and thoughts. Listen in to Living Freely as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC shares strategies for living more self-confident and breaking down that myth that to be self-confident is arrogant. You are allowed to not tolerate less than what you deserve in life-which just one of MANY positive benefits of being more self-confident! Want to learn more about what Norfolk Public...
Published 03/31/21
Is what you're carrying around emotionally worth the weight? Sometimes it can be so easy to hold onto past negative experiences with people, places, and things that negative thoughts become a part of our daily mindset. What would it be like to forgive (for your own well-being) and let go? Listen in to Living Freely Podcast today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC shares ways self-limiting beliefs can cause us to hold onto things that ultimately hold us back and ways you can start to let go of the past...
Published 03/24/21
Validation is a powerful way to help others (and yourself) feel important, seen, and heard. Being able to validate often times increases confidence in self and emotional intimacy in your relationships. Listen to Living Freely Podcast today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC talks ways to start validating yourself, why self-validation is the MOST important for self-confidence, and ways you can be validating in your relationships with others. Be empowered to validate yourself and your emotions! Want to...
Published 03/17/21
Fear will almost always hold you back if you allow it to. The experience of fear is a common human emotion, but there is a big difference in acknowledging when in comes up versus allowing it to prevent you from taking action. You can also learn from the fears you have! Listen in today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC identifies the top 10 most common fears, talks signs fear may be holding you back, and ways you can challenge + overcome fearful thinking. Want to learn more about what Norfolk Public...
Published 03/10/21
What kind of communicator are you? Communicating needs is vital for mental and emotional wellness. We know how important it is to be able to state needs to feel safe and secure emotionally in life-but sometimes the process to be more assertive can be difficult. Listen in to Living Freely today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC breaks down the four different types of communication, how to be more assertive, and why being assertive is SO important for living life well. Be empowered to communicate openly...
Published 03/03/21
Motivation to achieve goals in life can ebb and flow! However, there are some key practices you can implement to establish and maintain a consistent level of motivation to be a more content version of yourself. Listen in to Living Freely as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC talks about the science behind motivation, understanding your WHY, and 27 tips for motivating yourself. Be empowered to achieve what you want in life and stay motivated along the way! Want to learn more about what Norfolk Public...
Published 02/24/21
Self-love. If you are into wellness, there is a great chance you have heard this term before. But what is self-love and why is it so important? Does it mean you are being arrogant or conceited? In short, NO. Self love is a foundation for our relationship with self and others to thrive and grow. Listen in to Living Freely as Rachel Ann Dine, Licensed Professional Counselor shares a quick assessment to self-assess where you are in living the self-love lifestyle, realistic definitions of...
Published 02/17/21
Deciding to divorce or end a relationship can be a complex situation with many emotions involved. While the process can be painful, there are ways you can help yourself through the end of a relationship. Listen in to Living Freely today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC shares the stages of grief that can occur after a relationship, recreating your identity after the relationship, and tips for wellness and recovery. Be empowered to love yourself and take care of yourself before, during, and after a...
Published 02/10/21
Humans are biologically hardwired to want connection and love, but what happens when the person you love starts displaying toxic traits? How do you know what to look for? Sometimes this display of traits can be slow and happen over time which can be confusing for the person on the receiving end. Listen in to Living Freely today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC shares what toxic traits look like, how they can surface in a romantic relationship, and understanding what needs to be present for the...
Published 02/03/21
Burn-out. Feelings of fatigue, overwhelm, even disinterest in people and activities you used to love. Ever felt this human experience at some point or another?! Our guess is quite possibly, yes, because burn-out and compassion fatigue are real phenomenon's that occur. Listen in to Living Freely Podcast today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC reviews the psychology behind the development of burn-out, how to recognize signs + symptoms, and realistic ways to nurture yourself and prevent habitual burn-out...
Published 01/27/21
Change is inevitable. Just when you feel you have found balance or equilibrium in life, it's not unlikely that something or someone may come around and cause you to have to adapt to change! Listen in today as Rachel Ann Dine, LPC talks on realistic strategies for navigating change as well as the psychology behind the stages of change + how we as humans deal with change. Be empowered to focus on what is in your control when change arises and learn to navigate change effectively! Want to learn...
Published 01/20/21